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Testing Services

Welcome to Our Site

National College Testing Association




Important Notifications
Testing Services follows guidelines provided by the University’s senior leadership team and Emergency Operations Committee in taking proactive actions to mitigate potential health and safety risks to our community. The guidelines apply to faculty and national test administrations.  

Services are now available at Harrison B. Wilson (HBW) Hall, room 133 and Brown Memorial Hall (BMH), room 110.

Mission/Purpose Statement

Testing Services supports the university’s educational mission by providing national, graduate, professional certification, and university assessments to students, the university community, and local residents in a professional, secure, and accessible environment, which adheres to National College Testing Association’s (NCTA) professional standards and guidelines.

The purpose of Testing Services is to support lifelong learning and professional advancement to transform lives and communities. We provide innovative and cost-effective services, which ensure a fair, equitable, and quality testing environment.





NSU FastStart and "Freshman Year for Free" programs by Modern States

NSU has partnered with Modern States to increase access to higher education and provide an opportunity for Virginia high school students, incoming first-year students, and others to earn one full year of college credits cost-free!   

Current NSU Students who can benefit from these programs include:

  • students who took AP or IB, but were unavailable for testing day or did not obtain a passing score.
  • students involved in extracurricular activities and trying to reduce classroom "seat time".
  • students fluent in Spanish, French or German.
  • sophomores and juniors who want to stay on track to degree completion.
  • seniors who may be missing credits to meet graduation requirements.
  • college graduates seeking to "fast track" pre-requisites in a Master's program.

Modern States is a philanthropic online learning program providing free courses and textbooks online, as well as free CLEP test vouchers to pay for up to 34 credit-bearing exams, per student, to make college more affordable.  In addition, reduced time in program may positively influence college completion.  NSU supports the "FastStart by Modern States" and the "Freshman Year for Free" programs.

NSU FastStart by Modern States

The NSU "FastStart" program provides free CLEP testing for Virginia students who plan to attend NSU.  Students who complete four Modern States test prep courses, pass four CLEP exams, and meet other NSU admissions requirements will be automatically accepted into NSU and acknowledged as a "Klinsky Scholar".  Go to the NSU FastStart website to apply 

NSU FastStart Success Story

Jocellyn needed to complete Language requirements for her NSU degree. Modern States helped her earn 9 credits for Spanish, with practice questions and reading passages that prepared her for what she would experience on the CLEP exam. NSU Modern States Student Success Postcard



Modern States Freshman Year for Free

The Modern States "Freshman Year for Free" program, provides free CLEP testing for high school students and others seeking a degree.  Scores can be submitted to a higher education institution of your choice.  

View the video below for more information on how Modern States can help you obtain your degree in less time and at less cost.

Jalen Rose speaks out on Modern States

Testing Protocol for Fall semester 2024

In accordance with University guidelines, when necessary to mitigate for potential health and safety risks to our community, test candidates may be requested to wear face coverings during the test administration. 

Students who are enrolled in online or hybrid courses may take live remote exams proctored by Testing Services staff, with a referral from the instructor.  Students who select this test option will be asked to agree to and abide by the NSU Academic Online Integrity Statement and to perform an environmental scan of the chosen testing area.

Students who reside locally can schedule an appointment to take an in-person exam at the NSU Testing Center by calling (757) 823-2504.  Please schedule your appointment at least 48 hours in advance of your test date.  

Exams or other graded assignments will be scheduled by appointment only. 


The O.A.S.I.S. program assists currently enrolled students with documented disabilities including physical, psychological, traumatic head injury, learning disabilities and other health concerns.  Students who qualify for O.A.S.I.S. services can also arrange to take exams at the Assistive Technology Laboratory

Services Provided

Testing Services is a member of the National College Testing Association and is dedicated to the promotion of professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs, including issues relating to test administration, test accessibility, test development, test scoring, and assessment. 

The Testing Center is equipped with 49 computers in a quality test environment which includes state of the art workstations and test security systems. The Testing Center provides admissions testing for prospective students, academic testing to assess continued student learning and national test administration for professional certification and graduate school admissions. 

Military Benefits

Norfolk State University Testing Services is a fully funded CLEP test center. The United States government offers funding for all 34 CLEP exams through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). 

What to Expect When You Visit the Testing Center

  • Outstanding and supportive customer service by certified test administrators and proctors
  • A clean, comfortable and quiet test environment that is conducive to optimal test- taker performance
  • Collaboration between testing services staff, faculty and administrators to ensure that students receive University and national tests in compliance with educational and professional testing standards
  • Coordination with the NSU Office of Accessibility Services/International Student Services (O.A.S.I.S.) to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American's with Disabilities Act. These mandates prohibit discrimination of individuals with disabilities and ensure that students with documented disabilities are afforded reasonable accommodations to have equal access to campus classes, activities, and resources

For more information or to schedule a test appointment please contact Testing Services at (757) 823-2504 or

HESI A2 Registration Instructions 

HESI A2 is open for Registration

To avoid extra fees please be sure to schedule your exam at least 72 hours in advance!

HESI A2 testing will commence September 11, 2024.  The exam schedule, including  location, dates and times can be located on the Testing Services calendar page. Please register for the HESI A2 - 1st Time Tester exam.  If you decide to re-test, schedule the HESI A2 - 2nd Time Tester Exam. It is recommended that you wait a minimum of 48 hours and thoroughly review your HESI A2 practice materials before you re-test. You can only take the exam twice in an academic year.  The academic year is August 2024 through May 2025.  If you are taking the in-person exam, after paying for your exam, please call (757) 823-2504 to schedule your exam. Consequences for violating testing protocol may result in invalidation of test results.  

The testing deadline for pre-licensure Nursing applicants for the Traditional Track BSN program for the spring 2025 semester is September 20, 2024. The testing deadline for the fall 2025 semester is February 14, 2025. Exam scores are valid for 3 years.  You will receive an email from the Nursing Department if you receive a passing score on the exam. 

For additional information on the HESI A2 exam, please contact the  NSU Department of Nursing and Allied Health directly or visit the Pre-Licensure Nursing Applicants webpage.  Visit our Test Preparation Help webpage for HESI A2 practice tests, tutorials and other resources.  

Test Administrative Fees

Career Interest Inventories - No Cost

If you are uncertain about your major and would like help in identifying your strongest interests, feel free to take one of the no-cost interest inventories below.

National College Testing Association   

Norfolk State University Testing Services was awarded Test Center Certification by the National College Testing Association (NCTA) on November 29, 2022.