Doyle Temple
Professor of Physics
Ph.D. 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S. 1981, Southern University
Website: Quantum Electronics Group
Phone: 757.664.3944
Room 501K, McDemmond Center for Applied Research
555 Park Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23504
Doyle Temple is a Professor of Physics at Norfolk State University where he leads the Quantum Electronics Group <QEG> and the Crystal Physics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory (CPQEL). After obtaining a Ph.D. degree in physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989, Dr. Temple joined the faculty of Louisiana State University (LSU) where he began a research program in quantum electronics, concentrating on ultrashort pulse laser spectroscopy and single crystal growth. As an Assistant Professor of Physics, he became LSU’s first African American professor in the College of Basic Sciences. The company he started in 1988 while a graduate student, Applied Physics Inc., was the first business in the LSU Business and Technology Center founded by an LSU professor, as well as, the Center’s first business to be awarded an SBIR.
He served as Chair of the Department of Physics at Hampton University during the first years of the new PhD program, which was also the first PhD program at the university. In 2010 he joined the faculty of Norfolk State University as Director of the Center for Materials Research and Class A member of the NSU Research and Innovation Foundation. Since, 2012 he has returned to full time research and teaching.
He has been principal investigator on over $27M in research and education grants, author of over 110 scientific presentations/publications, and one patent. In 2010, he received the Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Research Interests:
The discovery of topological quantum materials such as, Dirac and Weyl semimetals, has attracted enormous interest because they represent new topological states of quantum matter and open a new era of condensed matter physics. The Quantum Electronics Group <QEG> is engaged in; 1) synthesis of single crystalline quantum materials using the optical floating zone, Bridgman, and flux crystal growth techniques, 2) structural, electrical, and magnetic characterization, and 3) ultrafast laser spectroscopy of quasiparticle dynamics.
Current Funding:
- Single Crystal Growth and Investigation of Novel Exotic Fermion Materials - NSF, $999,590, 9/1/2018 - 8/31/2021
- NSF PREM: Partnership for Education and Advancement of Quantum and nanoSystems (PEAQS), A Partnership between Norfolk State University, Fort Lewis College, and the NSF STROBE STC at the University of Colorado, $3,600,000, 9/1/2018 - 8/31/2024
Crystal Physics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory
The new Crystal Physics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory (CPQEL) renovation was completed on March 5 and installation of the equipment is underway. CPQEL will house state-of-the-art facilities for single crystal growth and investigation of quantum materials and device. The CPQEL fabrication facilities include a high temperature optical floating zone single crystal growth for growth at temperatures up to 2000 C and pressures up to 10 atmospheres, Bridgman single crystal growth furnaces, low temperature organic solution single crystal growth cells and a Nanyte maskless lithography system for quantum device fabrication.
The CPQEL characterization facilities include; a Quantum Design PPMS for quantum transport measurements in magnetic fields up to 14T at temperatures down to 50 mK, a Thermo Fisher Laue Back Reflection X-Ray system for single crystal orientation, and a Malvern Panalytical Empyrean XRD with a closed-cycle helium cryostat for X-ray studies of powders and thin solid samples at temperatures down to 12 K.
The CPQEL state-of-the-art quantum materials and devices laboratory is anticipated to be fully operational by the end of the summer 2024.