Directory Please Note: All social media accounts officially serving Norfolk State University should be listed in this directory. Email the social media manager at if an active account is not listed or if a listed account is no longer active. Also, contact us if we need to correct something in your directory listing or add new information. Please help us keep this directory up to date! If you're doing social media at NSU, then you're part of our team. Norfolk State University on Social Media NSU Facebook NSU Instagram NSU LinkedIn NSU twitter NSU Youtube NSU Flickr Online Programs Extended Learning OEL Facebook OEL IG OEL Twitter OEL Youtube General Areas Academic Engagement Office of Academic EngagementOEL IG Extended Learning OEL Facebook OEL IG OEL Twitter OEL Youtube Office of Information Technology OEL Youtube Testing Services OEL Twitter University Events NSU Events Incoming Student Resources Admissions NSU Admission IG Transfer Admissions NSU Transfer Admission IG Housing and Residence Life Housing NSU Admission IG Midrise NSU Transfer Admission IG Spartan Suites NSU Admission IG Samuel Scott NSU Transfer Admission IG Athletics Athletics Main NSU Athletics Facebook NSU Athletics Twiter NSU Athletics IG Baseball NSU Athletics Facebook NSU Athletics Twiter NSU Athletics IG Basketball (Men's) NSU Men's Basketball Twitter NSU Men's Basketball IG Basketball (Women's) NSU Women's Basketball Twitter NSU Women's Basketball IG Football NSU Football Facebook NSU Football Twitter NSU Football IG Tennis NSU Tennis IG Track & Field NSU Track & Field Twitter NSU Track and Field IG Softball NSU Softball Twitter NSU Softball IG Volleyball NSU Volleyball Facebook NSU Volleyball Twitter NSU Volleyball IG Student-Athlete Academic Support (SAAS) NSU Volleyball Twitter Student-Athlete Academic Support (SAAS) IG Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Twitter Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) IG The Athletics Foundation Of Norfolk State University, Inc. NSU Athletics Foundation Facebook Student Activities Miss Norfolk State University Miss NSU IG Concert Choir NSU Concert Choir Facebook Spartan Legion NSU Spartan Legion FacebookNSU Cheerleaders IG Cheerleaders NSU Cheerleaders IG Women's Initiative Schools/Colleges/Departments Army ROTC - Spartan Battalion NSU Army ROTC Facebook Engineering NSU Library LinkedinNSU Army ROTC Facebook English NSU Army ROTC Facebook Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social WorkNSU Learning Center Twitter Honda Campus All-Star Challenge Army ROTC Facebook Mass Communications and Journalism NSU Learning Center Twitter Army ROTC Facebook Music NSU Division of Music Facebook RCN Honors College Army ROTC Faceboo School of Education NSU School of Education Facebook Current Student Resources Student Affairs NSU Dean of Students IG Career Services NSU Career Services FacebookNSU Dean of Students IGNSU Student Success Center Twitter Dean of Students NSU Dean of Students IG Student Success Center NSU Student Success Center Twitter Financial Aid NSU Library Facebook OEL TwitterNSU Student Pathways and Academic Formation IG Bookstore NSU Bookstore FacebookNSU Student Pathways and Academic Formation IG Lyman Beecher Brooks Library NSU Library Facebook NSU Library Linkedin OEL TwitterNSU Student Pathways and Academic Formation IG Lyman Beecher Brooks Library Media Center NSU Media Center Twitter Police Department NSU Police Twitter Student Advocacy and Family Relations NSU Bookstore Facebook Student Pathways NSU Student Pathways and Academic Formation IG Student Success! podcast (Office of Academic Engagement) NSU Student Success! podcast Facebook NSU Student Success! podcast IG NSU Student Success! podcast IG Alumni Resources Alumni Association NSU Alumni Facebook NSU Alumni TwitterNSU Alumni Relations and Annual Giving IG Alumni Relations and Annual Giving NSU Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Facebook NSU Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Twitter NSU Alumni Relations and Annual Giving IG