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Take Advantage Of These Resources


Spartans Teach Model Classroom

A state of the art model classroom for lessons and activities in all sciences and math! Designed by Spartans Teach to be a space with innovating instructional content and new educational technologies. Come by and have an opportunity to learn from a Master Science and Math teacher and experience hands-on creative projects that encourage students to design, experiment, and think outside the box.

  • Located in Bozeman Building Rm 240

Spartans Teach Support and Study Center

Spartans Teach students are encouraged to come by for inquires about the program or use this space as a comfortable place to study! Individuals and groups are welcome to prepare for any exams and arrange meetings to support developmental goals and interests. Don't forget to schedule a time to receive tutoring from an available Master Science and Math Teacher!

  • Located in Bozeman Building Rm 120

Organization & Club

STEM-UP is a Spartans Teach student organization and club which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Upliftment.

Club Motto: “ICE IT!”

Meaning: Inspiring Curiosity and Empowering Innovative Teachers.

Our purpose in STEM-UP is to...

  • Generate further interest in STEM fields.
  • Promote the success of the Spartans Teach pre-service math and science teachers at NSU.
  • Increase the visibility of Spartans Teach both on campus and in different communities.
  • Removing the fearful stigma that STEM emits.
  • Providing student members with opportunities for professional growth, community outreach, practicing skills outside their majors, and developing friendships with others who share common goals.


All NSU students who sign up for a Spartans Teach course immediately join STEM-UP. However, any NSU student studying in a STEM or Education major are welcome to join the group. All members have the right to attend meetings, take part in events, and serve on the Eboard.

If you are a student not planning to take a Spartans Teach course but are studying in a STEM related or Education major be on the look out for our interest application coming soon.

  • Headquarters in Bozeman Building Rm 240

Exam preparation is an interactive test preparation study site with a library of practice tests, study guides, videos, and more!

  • Prepare for your Praxis and VCLA exams using their available courses.
  • Identify strengths & weaknesses with diagnostic testing.
  • Receive a detailed exam report w/ statistics.
  • Decrease test taking anxiety and build confidence with repeat practice testing.
  • Unlimited access to practice questions.
  • Deepen learning with engaging, video-based, micro-learning content strategy.
  • Goal setting that ensures the learner is staying on track.
  • Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Friendly. Mobile app allows for studying anytime, anywhere.
