We See Your Future in Chemistry
Explore the fascinating world of chemistry with a B.S. degree.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS.CHM)
The B.S. Chemistry degree prepares you for a career in industry and graduate school in chemistry or related disciplines. The Chemistry Department offers several chemistry based tracks leading to a B.S. degree in Chemistry: Chemistry, Chemistry with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine (not a degree in Pre-Medicine), and the dual degree B.S. in Chemistry-M.S. in Materials Science curriculum.
Chemistry Teacher Licensure Endorsement
Students wishing to pursue a career in teaching must take the following steps:
- Follow the curriculum for the B.S. Chemistry program.
- Use the elective hours to take professional courses.
- See the academic advisor in their major department.
- See the academic advisor in the Department of Secondary Education and School Leadership in the Bozeman Education Building, Room 200.
- Take the PRAXIS test and make a passing score. (See the School of Education PRAXIS Coordinator, JBB 125).
- Take the following professional education courses (18 semester hours) plus student teaching (12 semester hours).
- SED 201 American Schools and the Teaching Profession
- SED 233 Seminar in Assessment and Evaluation
- SED 380 Foundations of Methods in Secondary Schools
- SED 384 Teaching of Math and Sciences in Secondary Schools
- SED 486 Educational Psychology and Behavior Management
- SED 499 Directed Teaching and Seminar