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Student Emotional Support

Assisting Emotionally Distressed Students Protocol

To assist faculty, staff, and the campus community with navigating support for students with emotional distress, the Counseling Center offers the Assisting Emotionally Distressed Students training to the campus community.  Please submit a professional development request form to or contact the Counseling Center.

The University has established the below procedures to assist any student who may be emotionally distressed and pose a threat to him/herself or others.

1. A member of the University community should report a student of concern by contacting the NSU Counseling Center (757-823-8173) or NSU Police Department (757-823-9000). NSU Police should be notified if a student of concern is disruptive, has placed other members of the University community in immediate danger, threatens to harm self or others, or exhibits the inability to care for basic human needs.

2. NSU Police will assess the situation, take appropriate action to ensure the safety of the student and others.

  • If misconduct is reported resulting in a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, NSU Police will refer the student to the Dean of Students Office.
  • If the student requires immediate medical attention, they will be transported by ambulance to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (SNGH) or the hospital that Emergency Medical Services (EMS) deems appropriate per its protocol.
  • NSU Police will notify the Counseling Center, the Dean of Students. The Director of the Office of Housing and Residence Life will be notified if the student is a residential student.

3. If the student of concern is not determined to require medical attention, he or she will be assessed by the NSU Counseling Center to determine if he/she is a threat of harm to self or others and/or exhibits the inability to care for basic human needs.

  • If after evaluation the student does not meet criteria for further evaluation at SNGH or available medical facility, the student will be offered additional services at the Counseling Center.
  • If further evaluation is recommended by the Counseling Center, the student will be referred to SNGH and transported by NSU Police.
  • NSU Police will notify the Dean of Students about student’s transport for further mental health evaluation, regardless of housing status on or off campus.
  • The Dean of Students will notify the student on instructions for returning to campus to receive appropriate academic support.
  • If the Counseling Center assessed the student and recommends further evaluation, for tax dependent students, the Counseling Center will gain consent from student for parental notification and notify the parent/emergency contact. Per Virginia law, parental notification will be withheld if the notification would be reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the student or another person. Please refer to the following link regarding parental notification.
  • If the student was not assessed by the Counseling Center but Campus Police is transporting student for further evaluation, Campus Police will gain consent from student for parental notification and notify the parent/emergency contact.

4. If the student refuses further evaluation or lacks capacity (is not capable) of making an informed decision, upon recommendation of the Counseling Center, the NSU Police will implement an Emergency Custody Order (ECO) and transport the student to a Crisis Intervention Team Site (CIT) for assessment by the Norfolk Community Services Board (NCSB).

5. If the NCSB determines the student is not a threat to self or others and does not exhibit the inability to care for basic human needs, the student will be provided with follow-up treatment recommendations. (Follow instructions in #7).

6. If the NCSB determines a student should be hospitalized, the student may be voluntarily admitted (if he/she is capable of making such decision). If the student refuses to be admitted or lacks capacity (is not capable) of making an informed decision to be admitted, a Temporary Detention Order (TDO) will be pursued by the NCSB.

7. Process for returning to Campus:

A student returning from hospitalization or after receiving evaluation by the medical doctor, psychiatrist, certified pre-screener, NCSB, or licensed/qualified mental health professional is recommended to notify the Dean of Students via email so that any arrangements for missed classes and follow care and support can be made.

  • The student is recommended to provide their discharge summary recommendations from the medical doctor, psychiatrist, certified pre-screener, or licensed/qualified mental health professional for academic accommodations.
  • The Dean of Students will notify the Counseling Center and the NSU Police Department office that the student has returned to campus.
  • NSU police will inform the student that he/she is recommended to meet with the Dean of Students to coordinate academic accommodations.

8. The Dean of Students will coordinate a meeting with the student to facilitate the appropriate support based on the treatment evaluation or other needs. If the student does not respond to the Dean of Students outreach, the Dean of Students will convene a meeting with the Director of the Counseling Center and other appropriate parties to determine if any further intervention is required.