Andrew Frankln, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Office: Brown Hall, Room 216.17
Phone: 757-823-2241
Expertise: Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Predictors of Academic Success for African American Students
Interests: Cyberpsychology, Psychology of Religion, AA student college experience, first-generation college student experiences, and Psychological Testing
Courses Taught: Cyberpsychology, Psychology of Religion, Abnormal Psychology, Statistics in Psychology, and Introduction to Psychology
Additional Information:
Ongoing research with Dr. Franklin falls broadly into two categories related to minorities. (current study: Research study on personal beliefs)
African American College Students and Academic Success
I investigate predictors of academic performance and academic self-concept in African American college students and other minority populations. In particular, I focus on student-professor interactions (negative and positive), locus of control, familial educational background, grade point average, racial identity, socio-economic background, perceptions of diversity, first-generation college student experiences, and learning community initiatives amongst other variables. Some of my recent research has involved instructor led activities that foster student engagement, and qualitative studies involving the cultivation of student social, academic, and career identities.
Psychology of Religion
I am very much interested in what the field of psychology can tell individuals about religious belief, practice, and rituals. Thus far my research has explored how religious coping methods may buffer the effect of cognitive test anxiety on African American students’ academic performance. I am not one to use a reductionist approach and solely rely on psychological, physiological, evolutionary, or other perspectives to explain religious experiences away. I am interested in using emic and etic approaches to understand the meaning binding thoughts, rituals, and habits give individual’s lives. Finally, I am very much interested in the history and current experience of the Black church and how religion and spirituality have proven to be an institution and source of solace and strength that has led to liberation and progression in multiple areas of life.
Curriculum Vitae