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Incoming Cadets

Enrollment Forms

These forms are to be filled out by students who wish to enroll in the Army ROTC program.  Once filled out, the forms should be turned in to the Recruiting Operations Officer, Human Resources Assistant, or your Military Science Instructor (please do not email the forms). 

USACC Form-139-R (OCT 23) - Cadet Application and Enrollment Record (Pages 1 and 2 ONLY)

CC Form 136-R (FEB 23) - Briefing on Government Sponsored Benefits for ROTC Cadets

CC Form 137-R (FEB 23) - Authorization/Declination for Access to Student Records

DD Form 2005 (JUN 16) - Privacy Act Statement - Health Care Records

DA Form 3425-R (SEP 68) - Medical Fitness Statement for Enrollment in Basic Course, Senior ROTC  (The DA Form 3425-R must be signed by a medical provider.  You may also submit copy of your college in place of the DA Form 3425-R).  

Other Enrollment Documents

In order to enroll in Army ROTC program, you must also submit a copy of your:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • High School Transcripts and SAT/ACT Scores (if applying for a scholarship during the first semester)

Current Cadets

CC Form 104-R - Planned Academic Program Worksheet (SEP 13)