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Mr. Michael A. Parker, Assistant Professor of Mathematics (B.S. Virginia State University, 1981, M.S. Virginia State University Mathematics),  started working at Norfolk State University in August 1981.   Achieving the University's Distinguished Teaching Award (2009) an award from the former Governor of VA (Hon. Mark Warner), the "Programs That Work" Award, he has various Awards and Citations for his Teaching Services.   Additionally, he serves as an Honorary Nursing Faculty Member where he offers workshops for Nursing Students in mathematics.  He spends many hours tutoring students and preparing them for the rigors of Calculus and beyond.  Further duties require working on numerous College and University Committees.

Serving in a dual role as the Associate Director of the Dozoretz National Institute for Mathematics and Applied Sciences (DNIMAS), Parker devotes time recruiting and maintaining highly motivated STEM students who are preparing for the rigor of Graduate School or Professional School after matriculating at NSU.  Associate Director of the Pathway to the STARS Summer Bridge Program, Parker serves as the lead teacher and the Coordinator of the Mathematics Curricula for the 4 - Week, annual program.  Further duties require pairing Tutors with potential clients in the STARS Tutoring System for the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (CSET). 

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