Isaac Osunmakinde, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
Tel: 757-823-9449 Room: RTC 310 C
Dr. Isaac O. Osunmakinde is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Norfolk State University (NSU) in Virginia. Prior to joining NSU, he was a visiting Professor of Computer Science at Southern Virginia University (SVU) Virginia, and a full Professor and Director of the School of Computing at UNISA. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. Computer Science degrees from the University of Cape Town.
Dr. Osunmakinde has recently taught a varied number of Computer Science and Information Technology courses such as programming in Python, Java and C++, Database Systems, Data Structures, Networking Systems, Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Computer Organization, Data Science & Analytics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. On the capacity development, he has mentored undergraduate students and has a track record of supervising Masters and Doctoral students to successful completion who are now making their marks in their various fields.
On knowledge generation, Dr. Osunmakinde has a strong record of accomplishment of authoring prestigious articles in accredited and peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference papers, including articles published in ISI Web of Science, IEEE, Springer and the ACM. These growing publications have received well-deserved citations on Research Gate and Google Scholar. He won the 2016 Chancellor’s Prize award on excellence in research from the University of South Africa.
Dr. Osunmakinde earned a C2 (established researcher) NRF (national research foundation) rated researcher with yearly grant. He received a young researchers’ establishment grant from CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) to investigate the presence of toxic gases in underground mines. He was a recipient of a number of awards, honors and scholarships including the best Computer Science paper award winner of 2014 SAICSIT/ACM conference. He is a member of IEEE Computational Intelligence and ACM. He acted as an external examiner and a reviewer for Universities, Journals and Conferences.
Research Interests
- Machine Learning
- Artificial / Computational Intelligence
- Data Science & Analytics
- Business & Cyber-intelligence
- IoT Systems
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses
- CSC570 Artificial Intelligence
Undergraduate Courses
- CSC170 Computer Programming I
- CSC170L Computer Programming I Lab
- CSC470 Artificial Intelligence