Posting Information
All flyers/ posters that are hung anywhere on campus must first be taken Event Scheduling on the 2nd floor of the Student Center and stamped for approval. You must have a confirmed event in order to have your flyers stamped. Approved fliers are to be posted on bulletin boards only. Posting of fliers is prohibited on: windows, doors, lamp posts, etc.
Failure to follow this regulation will subject the organization to disciplinary sanctions.
Event Fliers
Approved fliers are to be posted on bulletin boards only. ONLY information regarding specific university affiliated events (i.e, registered student organizations or university departments) are allowed for posting. Posting of fliers is prohibited on windows, doors, lamp posts, brick etc. Failure to follow this policy will subject the organization to disciplinary sanctions.
All fliers will be checked for: grammatical errors, event information (such as date, time, and location), use of trademarked logos including NSU, and must adhere to Student Catalog guidelines.
Please bring a copy of the confirmation to the Event Scheduling Office (Located on the second floor of the Student Center, Suite 201) or the Office of Student Activities & Leadership (Located on the third floor of the Student Center, Suite 323).