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Safety Training, Programs and Procedures

environmental, health and safety training

Norfolk State University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all students, guests, faculty and staff.  Training on a variety of environmental and safety topics is currently available. EHS&RM staff personnel are available to train campus community groups. The following are among the available topics:

If you are interested in a particular safety topic, contact the EHS&RM office at 823-9287 (    

Safety Programs and Handbooks

Norfolk State University Safety and Health programs foster a proactive approach to discovering and solving workplace hazards before they can cause injury or illness.  The following list below are safety programs implemented on the campus of Norfolk State University. 

Hazard Identification and Resolution

EHS& RM develops, manages and performs activities which contribute to campus safety. Identifying and resolving conditions or practices that could potentially cause personal injury or property damage is our priority. Periodic inspections of grounds and structures are conducted to identify potentially hazardous conditions. You can assist us. Report any unsafe conditions to Facilities Management. All reports will be investigated and routed through the Work Management office for correction or resolution.

Incident Reporting

All incidents involving motor vehicles must immediately be reported to University Police. University Police will investigate, prepare reports and may issues summons if warranted. Individuals involved in vehicle incidents are expected to fully cooperate with the officer(s) on the scene. Any injuries must be reported to the officer, who can contact emergency medical responders, if required.

Injuries to members of the campus community are serious concerns. Injuries should be reported immediately or as soon as possible, so that action(s) may be taken to provide medical treatment and/or remediation of unsafe condition(s).

  • Student injuries in a classroom or laboratory must be reported to the instructor;
  • Injuries on grounds or in residential buildings must be reported to Building Coordinator or Resident Assistants;
  • University staff or faculty who are injured must notify their supervisors as soon as possible.
  • Injuries involving guests should be reported directly to University Police.
  • All requests for off-campus based emergency responders must be routed through University Police who will escort vehicles to the scene.
  • Copies of all injury reports must be forwarded to the EHS&RM office.   A Supervisor Accident  Investigation report form may be obtained from Human Resources.

Fire Protection

Fire prevention, detection, notification and suppression systems exist for the protection of persons and property. Campus buildings are equipped with fire alarm panels that continuously communicate with University Police, indicating systems status.

Campus fire protection systems include more than 7000 sprinkler heads, smoke and heat detectors, automatic and manual “pull” stations. Improvements and upgrades to these systems are planned and implemented regularly. Systems are checked each day to ensure proper operation. Contractors perform periodic operational inspections as required by manufacturers and the State Fire Marshall inspects annually.   

Unauthorized personnel must never tamper with fire protection equipment! Tampering can cause systems to malfunction: alarms may be rendered inactive when needed in true emergency situations jeopardizing lives or alarms may sound unnecessarily inconveniencing students and staff and generating charges or costs from emergency service providers or contract system maintenance firms.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Resident students receive instruction concerning campus fire regulations and emergency response procedures. Exit routes, assembly sites, roll call and return to quarters are explained by residential housing staff members. Staff and students are required to participate in drills and exercises to ensure they are knowledgeable of procedures that can protect their personal safety. Instructors and supervisors are expected to lead personnel out of the building to a pre-designated site. A headcount must be taken and University Police must be notified of any missing or injured persons.

Vehicle Safety

Drivers of motor vehicles on campus must have a current driver’s license and observe all traffic signs and signals. The speed limit is 15MPH. Vehicles owned by NSU may only be driven by qualified University employees. Students are not permitted to operate University vehicles. University Police are empowered to enforce traffic regulations and issue summons accordingly. Pedestrians in walkways and sidewalks always have right-of-way.

Elevator Etiquette

Most campus buildings are equipped with elevators. Elevators are extremely important to those with physical challenges. Facilities Management makes a concerted effort to keep elevators maintained and operating properly. Individuals who abuse elevators inconvenience others and significantly increase University maintenance expenses.

 Please observe the following when using elevators:

  • Allow persons to exit the car before boarding.
  • All elevator cars are equipped with emergency telephones or intercoms connected to the University police. This equipment is only to be used for requesting assistance.
  • Smoking is prohibited inside elevator cars and in elevator lobbies.
  • Never force open the car or floor doors. Elevators will shut down; people may be stuck inside.
  • Use the button on the car panel to hold doors open.
  • Do not drop debris between the car and the shaft way. Debris can get caught between the car and the doors, igniting fire in the elevator pit.
  • Personal items dropped into the shaft way may be retrieved. There is a fee for this service.
  • Repeatedly pushing a floor call button will not accelerate the car. This action may result in elevator malfunction or shut down.
  • Overloading elevators causes the elevator to malfunction and shut down.