Norfolk State UniversityClose Reading for Effective Writing – CREW
Spring 2019
- Training of CREW Faculty Pilot begins January 4, and then every 1st Thursday of the months of the semester at 12:30 pm in NGE 200. (10:00 – 11:30 am, Friday, January 4, 2019, 1040 Lyman Beecher Brooks Library.) Dr. Baloubi stated that Dr. Jason Demeter was added to the Pilot faculty and he will teach ENG-102-22, TTH, 9:00 – 11:00 am
- CREW Professional Development Series is every other Wednesday, January 17 – April 25, noon – 1:00 pm, Archives Orientation Room, 2nd Floor, Brooks Library.First Topic is Immigration – Henry Cabot Lodge Speech, March 16, 1896.
- Student CREW Seminar Series for CREW-Mates or CREW-Fellows: Every 4th Tuesday of the month, 12:30 pm. The training targets NSU leaders from the faculty, staff and students who promote the student learning goal and outcomes of NSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan CREW: First Seminar: This is America! by Childish Gambino – African American History Month, February.
- Reading Apprentices or Course-Embedded Reading Consultants: The training targets staff and students who will assist with the student learning goal and outcomes for NSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan CREW.
- CSET Workshops, February 16, 2019: Teaching Students How to Learn, Dr. Saundra McGuire, Presenter, LSU Center for Academic Success. Dr. Marz stated the goal is to get students to focus on learning instead of grades: metacognition is the key!
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are faculty/educators who collectively meet to improve student learning and achievement. PLCs engage in a continuous cycle of collaborative inquiry questioning based on classroom practices in an effort to build a shared knowledge as professionals. These meetings occur at regularly scheduled times throughout the school year.
- Educational Communities of Inquiry (CoI) are faculty/educators who collaboratively engage in purposeful critical discourse and reflection to construct personal meaning and confirm mutual understanding by creating a deep and meaningful (collaborative-constructivist) learning experience through the development of three interdependent elements – social, cognitive and teaching presence.
- Robert C. Nusbaum Honors College CREW Reading Faculty & Fellows 2019 Development LuncheonTopics of discussion will include:Honors Assessment and RCNHC ArchivesUpcoming Conferences for both Faculty and StudentsHonors Events for SpringQEP Participation and Much More!When: Tuesday January 15, 2019Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m.Place: Town Point Club, Downtown Norfolk RSVP: 823-8208 or by January 11, 2019
- Black History Month – “This Is America” CREW Close Reading – February 20th, CREW close reading sponsored by the NSU Black History Month Committee. Childish Gambino’s ground-breaking song and music video, “This Is AMERICA,” lyrics and graphics will be analyzed by a panel of students and faculty using the CREW close reading strategies. of The event will consist of Opening poem and video (Message from Childish Gambino TBD), Breakdown of lyrics, Panel Discussion on song context (Panelists will be a mix of Faculty and students), Questions and dialogue with audience. This is a CREW sponsored event.
- QEP/CREW Pilot Program and Implementation Training, January 4, 2019 QEP/CREW Implementation Training conducted by Ms. Shelley T. Scott-Johnson, 10:00 – 11:30 am, Friday, January 4, 2019, 1040 Lyman Beecher Brooks Library; and assessment procedures, evaluation of student progress, AAC&U Reading Value Rubric and AAC&U Written Communication Value Rubric.
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