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About Title III Activities
Title III funds have enabled the University to initiate a wide range of innovative and crucial programs. Funds have been used to strengthen academic programs through specific projects which are categorized on this site by HBCU, HBGI and FUTURE ACT.


IMPROVING PERSISTENCE BY EXPANDING ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND ENGAGEMENT: The Improving Persistence by Expanding Academic Support and Engagement activity will expand the capacity of the Office of Academic Engagement to implement targeted student success initiatives for increasing persistence and graduation rates at Norfolk State University (NSU). Student success initiatives will support all undergraduate students with an emphasis on the following strategic priorities:

  • Strategy 1.1: Develop and implement data driven cross-institutional approach to improve student retention.
  • Strategy 1.4: Transform NSU’s student effort and academic progress by increasing student success services (i.e., tutoring and writing labs for all students).

ENHANCING THE NSU TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE TO SAFEGUARD STUDENT, FACULTY AND STAFF’S UNINTERRUPTED ACCESS TO CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: The goal of the NSU Office of Information Technology is to ensure the continuous availability of campus technology resources. The campus infrastructure must be upgraded and secured to ensure this level of availability. Technology infrastructure upgrades will ensure safe and continuous availability to the campus community in three ways:  

1. Network upgrades will improve student access to the campus network infrastructure by increasing the number of network devices designed to facilitate connectivity as the university continues to grow its online presence and increase its on-campus population.

2. Increased network security will reduce the number of cyber-attacks resulting in loss of access or data.

3. Improved disaster recovery protocols will allow university systems to quickly recover so that access can be restored, and critical university processes resumed in the aftermath of an emergency.

ACADEMIC QUALITY: ADVANCING NSU ONLINE BY CONNECTING THE DOTS (DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, ONLINE LEARNING, TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS, AND STUDENT SUCCESS): The Office of Extended Learning, NSU Online, overarching goal is to enhance student access to the University’s academic programs. Additionally, the Norfolk State University 2019-2025 Strategic Plan: Forging Onward Toward a New Horizon, Strategy: 1.5: is “to increase the number of programs, services and outreach opportunities to reflect the educational needs and demographics of the Hampton Roads Region and prospective areas.”

STRENGTHENING THE EDUCATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PREPARING TEACHERS: The "Preparing Teachers" project seeks to enhance teacher preparation at Norfolk State University by building infrastructure, providing training, and creating program cohesion to address the exodus of teacher education professionals. Identified ways to achieve this include the following related goals:

  • Align curriculum across all educational disciplines (Early Childhood, Elementary, Special Education, and Secondary Education), creating a cohesive Teacher Education unit.
  • Create a state-of-the-art model classroom for candidates to learn pedagogical methodology, preparing them for 21st schools.
  • Train faculty, candidates, and students in culturally sustaining pedagogy through workshops and professional associations that will positively impact diverse families and communities.
  • Implement the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) as a key component as it is necessary to becoming certified teachers in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


ENHANCING AN EVIDENCE-BASED CULTURE FOCUSED ON CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING AND SUCCESS​: Enhancing an evidenced-based culture that focuses on continuous improvement is a commitment to ensuring institutional effectiveness in all programs and services offered. The purpose of assessment is to ensure continuous improvement of student learning by informing all choices related to academic curricula, instructional programs, and policy changes that contribute to student success. 

Activities described in this proposal will enable Norfolk State University to comply with the requirements set by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), as well as conform to the institutional effectiveness standards required for continuous accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

ENHANCING THE CENTER FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING BY EQUIPPING FACULTY TO THRIVE AND DRIVE STUDENT SUCCESS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: The goal of the activity is to provide intentional development opportunities in the areas of teaching and learning, professional, scholarship and growth supporting faculty holistically in efforts to drive student success and reduce the number of high failure rate courses. The program will focus on increased understanding in higher education operations, management, evaluation, workflow processes, collaboration, organizational culture, trends in higher education and mentoring/coaching. The implementation of the proposed activities will propel the Center’s efforts to:

  • Increase the number of faculty trained in educational technology.
  • Increase the number of faculty trained in new or alternative teaching techniques.
  • Increase the number of faculty attaining micro-credentials, badges or certifications.
  • Increase the number of faculty participating in developmental activities.
  • Enhance leadership skills.

TRANSFORMING THE GENERAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM FOR STUDENT SUCCESS: Norfolk State University embarks on a reform of its general education curriculum to make it current, engaging, and transformative for students. The general education curriculum serves as the gateway for the University's students to begin their educational journey. Through redesigning existing courses, developing new courses, and putting in place innovative and engaging instructional delivery approaches geared toward student learning and success, NSU aims to serve the educational needs of the 21st century student. 

ENHANCING THE ACADEMIC ENTERPRISE THROUGH THE  REDUCTION OF PAPER BASED PROCESSES: The Paper-Based Processes activity proposes to establish a document management system, transition our existing, outdated system in preparation for data transfer, establish a universal process for digital signatures, leverage business owners to define and process workflows, and then re-examine our legacy systems to ensure that they can manage digital formats. At the completion of the initiative, the University will be positioned to build new digital workflows.

STRENGTHENING A STUDENT FOCUSED RADIO TRAINING PROGRAM TO IMPACT ENROLLMENT, RETENTION, AND GRADUATION RATES:  WNSB, Hot 91, the Soul of VA, the radio station licensed to the Norfolk State University’s Board of Visitors, faces technology, safety proofing, and audience growth challenges. After over forty years of existence, WNSB 91.1 focuses on its continued expansion as a regional public service radio station powerhouse that services both the university campus and the larger public. To increase its competitiveness and impact listener and community engagement, HOT 91 WNSB endeavors to strengthen its relationship with the community with through its collaboration with local public high school students and similar public radio stations at HBCUs nationwide by concentrating its efforts on expanding:

1. access to present and past programs to create content that will grow our cumulative listening audience through podcasts and other digital footprint productions as a means to improve the cume (ratings) performance of the radio station

2. and securing its facilities and equipment to strengthen the station’s critical infrastructure with multiple levels of power, broadcast, and environmental control redundancies

IMPROVING STUDENT PERSISTENCE II: ENHANCING SERVICES IN THE NSU WRITING CENTER: In collaboration with the School of Business, the NSU Writing Center proposes to pilot an Embedded Tutoring Program with a primary focus on bolstering writing skills and competencies before students enter internships and the workforce. The purpose is to build skills to improve juniors' and seniors' writing and communication skills. In addition, the embedded tutoring program will augment skill development through supplemental writing workshops and faculty development opportunities.

In addition to the embedded tutoring program, the Writing Center will augment skill development through supplemental writing workshops and faculty development opportunities.



INCREASING AFRICAN AMERICAN GRADUATE STUDENTS IN STEM COMPLETION RATES AND EMPLOYMENT READINESS SKILLS: This project proposes to build upon the success of increasing the number of African American students matriculating in science and technology fields which grew from 44% to 63% between 2019 – 2023, by continuing to employ efforts to decrease the percentage of graduating African Americans who do not complete their degree requirements within the expected timeframe. Efforts will be made in the following areas:

  • Creating new pathways through developing high-demand graduate certificate programs.
  • Continuing to provide graduate assistantship support and tuition scholarships to students who meet eligibility criteria.
  • Establishing an innovative Virtual Engineering Lab for engineering students to work on projects and research and gain more experience with virtual work environments.
  • Providing professional development activities to include a specific program for African American women. who continue to be underrepresented in STEM. This program will support the unique challenges for women in STEM disciplines that can impede degree completion. It will include mentoring, networking opportunities, leadership development, and publication support.

INCREASING INTERDISCIPLINARY CYBERSECURITY INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT WITHIN NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY’S CYBERSECURITY COMPLEX:  "The Norfolk State University's Cybersecurity Complex" activity endeavors to 1. Augment existing research environment to support faculty and graduate student engagement in real-world attack-and-defense strategies using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Data Science and Analytics, and Cloud Computing for Cybersecurity-related domains; 2. Increase the number of AI and cybersecurity-related professional certifications to make NSU graduates more competitive at graduation; and 3. Increase Cybersecurity sponsored research to align with the University’s vision of obtaining a higher Carnegie designation.

The Cybersecurity Complex will leverage its state-of-the-art research and training environments to extend capabilities that will make the University more prepared to seek and efficiently manage external funding.


STRENGTHENING COLLABORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS: ONLINE CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS TO MEET THE NEEDS OF A GLOBAL 21ST CENTURY WORKFORCE: The Online Certificate Programs activity will seek to provide students with knowledge in targeted key areas that help them to obtain a competitive edge in the 21st Century. To meet the ever-changing demands of the workforce in the twentieth century, institutions of higher education must provide a variety of educational opportunities to a diverse citizenry. 

With the support of Title III funds, this activity seeks to:

  • Expand and enhance the portfolio of credit and non-credit online certificate courses and programs, and
  • Implement quality assurance reviews as prescribed by the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric for University-approved online certificate programs.

As globalization, the U.S. economy and technology continue to reshape the job market, especially because of the COVID 19 pandemic, the offices of Extended Learning and Continuing Education are committed to offering degree and professional education programs that support adult students in their quests for 21st Century employability skills. Thus, the proposed grant focuses on the development of online certificate—academic (credit) and non-academic (non-credit) certificate programs.

IMPROVING STUDENT SUCCESS THROUGH INFORMATION RESOURCES, SERVICES, TECHNOLOGIES, AND SPECIALISTS: The mission of the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library (LBBL) is to provide information resources, services, and technology that enable and equip Norfolk State University students, faculty, and staff to become successful scholars and lifelong learners by:

  • Improving availability of information resources that support academic programs.Enhance Services to Students and Faculty
  • Improving development of information services that facilitate academic research.
  • Improving utilization of information technologies that enable academic achievement.
  • Improving professionalism of information specialists that assist the academic community.


GROWING A GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AT NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY​: Norfolk State University (NSU) proposes to use Title III funds to increase the collaboration between the university’s colleges and schools through gamification to improve undergraduate student engagement.

We will accomplish this initiative by:

  • Increasing undergraduate program offerings in the CS department through the development of a track and a minor in Game Design and Development, targeting a more diverse population from non-STEM majors for the minor and providing an increased online program offering and
  • Increasing the total number of undergraduate degrees produced in CS with a Gaming concentration.

These new measures will provide alternative and more direct paths to getting greater numbers of minority students into the gaming workforce to address the industry’s shortfall of minorities in this profession.

STRENGTHENING THE ACADEMIC ENTERPRISE II: ENHANCING GLOBAL AWARNESS THROUGH CURRICULUM INTERNATIONALIZATION: The focus of the activity is to establish a program-focused organizational structure for strengthening academic programs, realizing resources to promote research quality, and expanding administrative processes for academic and non-academic units. 

This will be accomplished by:

  • Enhancing a Global Awareness Program to increase knowledge of societal issues affecting our community and abroad and
  • Enhancing international education through curricular reform and infusion, to include increasing faculty and student teaching and learning opportunities, and through national/global partnerships in higher education.


ESTABLISHING A MODEL FOR LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMIC AFFAIRS​: The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Norfolk State University (NSU) recognizes the importance of social mobilization to address issues targeting diversity equity and inclusion. Academic Affairs seeks to reorganize its infrastructure to meet the demands of inclusivity in higher education by promoting academic excellence through, succession planning, recognition of social inequalities and an increase of academic performance to meet the demands of the 21st century. During grant year 2021-2022 the focus of this activity is to develop a model for Leadership Excellence. This model supports the Division’s focus to: Reframe the Academic Enterprise through Access, Affordability, and Success.

The framework for this model contains three competencies:

  • Strengthening the Academic Affairs Infrastructure
  • Leadership Development and
  • Inclusivity Training.


Office of Management and Budget
For more information on the management and budget practices that govern Title III spending, visit

U.S. Department of Education
For more information on eligibility requirements, awards, performance, laws and regulations pertaining to Title III Part B and other federal grants, go to

National Association of HBCU Title III Administrators, Inc.
If you would like to learn more about the purpose and history of HBCUs, go to