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NSU Website

NSU Website Updates

Each NSU website has a Content Editor and Contributor, assigned by the department head, who are responsible for managing and updating the website's content and files.

Assignee Listing & Forms
Visit the WebZONE to find the list of NSU Website Content Editors and Contributors and to access required forms.

To schedule training for Kentico the NSU Content Management System, please contact Debbie Jones at .

NSU Event Calendar Updates

Each department is assigned 1-2 Event Calendar Managers by the department head. These assignees are responsible for making changes to their event calendar. 

Assignee Listing & Forms
Visit the WebZONE to find the list of NSU Event Calendar Managers and to access required forms.

To schedule training for Localist, the NSU Event Calendar System, please contact Debbie Jones at .


Learn more about how to manage your NSU Website and/or Event Calendar by logging into the WebZONE, an informational portal for NSU Faculty and Staff.  Visit the WebZONE at: & log in using your NSU credentials when prompted.