Crystal Physics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory
The new Crystal Physics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory (CPQEL) renovation was completed on March 5th, 2024 and installation of the equipment is underway. CPQEL will house state-of-the-art facilities for single crystal growth and investigation of quantum materials and device. The CPQEL fabrication facilities include a high temperature optical floating zone single crystal growth for growth at temperatures up to 2000 C and pressures up to 10 atmospheres, Bridgman single crystal growth furnaces, low temperature organic solution single crystal growth cells and a Nanyte maskless lithography system for quantum device fabrication.
The CPQEL characterization facilities include; a Quantum Design PPMS for quantum transport measurements in magnetic fields up to 14T at temperatures down to 50 mK, a Thermo Fisher Laue Back Reflection X-Ray system for single crystal orientation, and a Malvern Panalytical Empyrean XRD with a closed-cycle helium cryostat for X-ray studies of powders and thin solid samples at temperatures down to 12 K.
The CPQEL state-of-the-art quantum materials and devices laboratory is anticipated to be fully operational by the end of the summer 2024.