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Health, Physical Education & Exercise Science
The Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science offers the Bachelor of Science degree in the Exercise Science concentration in Health and Physical Education (teacher education), Exercise Science/Kinesiotherapy, and Health Fitness.
Health and Physical Education
This concentration is designed to prepare students to become teachers of health and physical education in grades K-12 in public school settings. The major embodies (1) course with an emphasis in health education and physical, (2) an emphasis on physical activity as a means to health (wellness), (3) a focus on a conceptual wellness, physical education, lifetime sports and fitness, and (4) a recognition of and sensitivity to cultural diversity involving health and physical education. Teacher education candidates must take the general core, professional education courses, and 12 semester hours of student teaching. The teacher certification program in physical education also permits add on endorsements in aquatics, and/on driver education.
Health, wellness and rehabilitation
Health, Wellness and Rehabilitation (HWR) is designed to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge needed for a range of careers including: the areas of Cardiac Rehabilitation; Pulmonary Rehabilitation; and Sports Medicine (i.e. Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, and Exercise Physiology).
The registered kinesiotherapist is a health care professional who, under the direction of a physician, treats the effects of disease, injury and congenital disorders through the use of therapeutic exercise and education. The Registered Kinesiotherapist (RKT) is trained to work wherever people with disabilities need treatment. RKTs work in Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, in private and public hospitals and may be employed in clinics for cardiac patients or special schools and camps for children with disabilities.
The health fitness instructor program is designed to prepare students to work in corporate fitness environments and other agencies that focus on exercise, fitness and wellness. The four-year program includes general education core, professional education courses and a required clinical internship in an approved fitness facility.