Located on the campus of Norfolk State University, the James Wise Gallery provides a space for exploring and experiencing art for students, faculty, and the community. Through our exhibitions, we support meaningful interactions between artists, students, and the public.
Living Apart: Redlining Exhibition | Event flyer - pdf
From October 4th until November 17th, the James Wise Gallery will house the Living Apart: Redlining exhibition!
Exhibition Reception: October 27th, 2023 | 5-8pm
Living Apart: Redlining is a traveling exhibition that uses maps, photographs, and personal accounts to trace the ongoing impacts of our country's long history of housing discrimination.
This unique multi-media exhibition was created by Dr. Johnny Finn, who is an associate professor at Christopher Newport University. It was also made possible thanks to the support of NSU's Fine Art faculty and students, Dr. Cassandra Newby-Alexander, NSU's Environmental Justice Incubator, and the Center for African American Public Policy (CAAmPP).

Our newest exhibition Stass Shpanin's We the Turkey: The lost story of the proud bird will have it's opening reception on Wednesday, March 22 (6pm-9pm). It will be on display until April 20.
Monday-Thursday 10:00am - 6:00pm and Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm during the academic year
Hours vary for exhibition openings. Please see announcements or current exhibitions.
If you wish to make an appointment to view the gallery outside normal hours, please contact Dr. Anna Isbell (alisbell@nsu.edu).
Dr. Anna Isbell, Assistant Professor and Director of the James Wise Gallery
Division of Fine Arts
Make a Donation to the James Wise Gallery