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Chemical Management Policy and Procedures
Norfolk State University requires the management of chemicals and use of protocols that marginalize the probability of accidents and minimize consequences should accidents occur in conjunction with use.  Implementation of safe practices, appropriate administrative and engineering controls and utilization of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is required to protect employees, staff, students and visitors. Use of the least quantity of chemicals necessary for tasks, substitution of less hazardous chemicals and utilization of basic chemicals safety practices reduce risk.

General Laboratory Safety Policy
The objective of this policy is the elimination or minimization of chemical and physical hazards in laboratory environments. The use of chemicals in laboratories at Norfolk State University shall be planned and performed utilizing protocols that reduce exposures to employees, students and visitors. The scope of this policy applies to all Cleanrooms, academic and research laboratories. 

Policy Library
The policy library is the official online repository of all policies from the Board of Visitors, President, and Administration. Procedures and area-specific policies can be found on the websites of the applicable unit, division, department, school or campus.