Emergency Planning
The potential risks of severe weather and resulting power losses, flooding and wind damage are factors of concern for all members of the campus community. Guidelines that help assure the safety of students and faculty, and minimize the disruption of the academic programs are discussed with University staff when such conditions are forecast. Long term planning and cooperative understandings have been explored with other colleges and universities to accommodate our students during emergency periods.
Claim administration
Injury and damage claims involving the University are routed through EHS & RM. This office will collect information in preparation for the defense or pursuit of liability allegations.
EHS & RM may be contacted (757) 823-9142.
Claim settlements are administered by the Virginia Treasury Department, Division of Risk Management in Richmond. They can be contacted at: https://www.trs.virginia.gov
(804) 786-3152 (Telephone)
(804) 371-2442 (Fax)
Department of the Treasury
Division of Risk Management
P.O. Box 1879
Richmond, VA 23218-1879
Certificates of Insurance
Certificates of insurance document that entities (contractors or vendors) have purchased insurance coverage sufficient to cover potential losses which could occur when working or rendering services. EHS&RM provides these certificates to organizations requiring this documentation for lease or rental agreements the university may enter into or assuring coverage for student internships. NSU requires these certificates from vendors or contractors providing service on campus or using campus facilities.