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Resumes & Documents

Resume Writing

Good site for electronic resume tips.

  • LiveCareer
    This resume builder makes it fast and easy to create powerful, professional resumes. 

Ask for help, yes, but do not turn over the responsibility for developing your resume to someone else.

Your resume has to showcase what you have to offer. You have to think through your experiences. A third party can't know what you did or how you did it as well as you do. Do use expert help available to you appropriately. The staff in Career Services can help you identify your skills and figure out the best way to present them. The office of Career services also offers resume critique services, which can help you to identify what is and isn't working on your resume.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A curriculum vitae and resume share the same purpose, as they are both documents that highlights pertinent information about a candidate’s education, experiences, skills, and personal qualities. Resumes and curricula vitae, also known as CVs differ in their formats, uses, and acceptable lengths.

Resumes are usually 1-2 pages, and CVs can be unlimited in length since they include a more extensive listing of varied experiences.

CVs are often for positions in research, medicine, science, and higher education. They can also can serve as one of the application materials for some graduate or professional programs. If you’re applying for a position abroad, employers in other countries sometimes expect a CV instead of a resume.

Cover Letter Tips

​In a few sentences, explain why you're a great fit for this specific role. Where did you learn about this position? State why you’re excited about the job and the company, and how the job matches your career goals.

In one or two paragraphs, connect your past accomplishments with the requirements listed in the job description. Focus on your most relevant experience, qualifications and skills. When possible, quantify your accomplishments with facts and data. Avoid repeating the bullet points from your resume.

  • Close by thanking the employer for their time and consideration. You may also want to sum up your qualifications for the role and express an interest in continuing to the next stage in the hiring process.

Preparing For Graduate School Manual

Is graduate school right for me?  Are you considering Norfolk State for graduate school? What steps should I take to apply? Is there funding available?  When should I begin preparing? Please utilize the manual to better help you in this process?

Personal Statement for Graduate School/Samples

The personal statement highlights personal, academic, and work experiences that have prepared the writer to successfully meet the challenges of grad school and/or contribute to the program’s intellectual community. 


References are best presented on a separate page. Before listing someone as a reference, you must seek his or her permission first to confirm this person is comfortable with providing you a strong reference and is aware that he or she will be contacted to support your application.

Think of faculty, supervisors, advisers, and other individuals that you work with and will give you a positive recommendation. For the most part, references should not be from family or friends unless you’ve worked together in a professional capacity.

On the reference sheet, include each reference’s name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail. You should also include your relationship to the reference, such as “Former Supervisor” or “University Professor.” At the top of your reference page, include the name and address heading from your resume so the documents match in style.