Dr. Nazir Barekzi
Associate Professor of Biology
Rm. 218 WSB
Phone: (757) 823-2543
Brief Biography
My research is focused on discovering novel bacteriophage, genetics and microbiology. My passion is undergraduate teaching and research.
Detailed CV of Dr. Barekzi
Research Interests
- Phage genomics
- Course-based Undergraduate Reseach
- Inclusive teaching
- Gauthier, D. T., A., Haines, M. W., Vogelbein. (2021). Elevated temperature inhibits Mycobacterium shottsii infection and Mycobacterium pseudoshottsii disease in striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 144: 159-174.
- Iacoangeli, A., Lui, A., Haines, A., Ohta, Y., Flajnik, M., & Hsu, E. (2017). Evidence for Ig Light Chain Isotype Exclusion in Shark B Lymphocytes Suggests Ordered Mechanisms. The Journal of Immunology, 199(5), 1875-1885.
- Hoenig, J. M., Groner, M. L., Smith, M. W., Vogelbein, W. K., Taylor, D. M., Landers, D. F., Swenarton, J., Gauthier, D. T., Sadler, P., Matsche, M., Haines, A., Small, H. J., Pradel, R., Choquet, R. and Shields, J. D. (2017) Impact of disease on the survival of three commercially fished species. Ecological Applications. 27(7):2116-2127.
- AN Haines, E Nebergall, E Besong*, K Council*, O Lambert*, DT Gauthier. (2016) Draft Genomes for Seven Streptococcus parauberis Isolates from Wild Fish in Chesapeake Bay. Genome Announcements. 4(4): e00741-16.
- Bluford JT*, Cosanto M, Gauthier DG, Rhodes M, Vogelbein W, Haines, AN. (2016). Identification of virulence genes in Vibrio sp. isolates from the 2009 Bermuda reef fish mortality event. Journal of Fish Diseases. doi:10.1111/jfd.12532.
- Haines A, Arnold J. (2014) Elasmobranch Blood Cells. In: Immunobiology of the Shark. Eds.: Smith S, Sim B, Flajnik, M. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. Pg 89-104.
- Haines AN, Gauthier DT, Nebergall EE, Cole SD, Nguyen KM, Rhodes MW, Vogelbein WK. (2013) First report of Streptococcus parauberis in wild finfish from North America. Veterinary Microbiology. 166(1-2):270-5.