Parking Quick Facts
Parking Questions
To ensure accurate information regarding parking, All Parking Questions should be directed to the Office of Parking Services.
- Feel free to contact us at (757) 823-2211 for assistance.
Campus Email
Always check your campus email account for important information regarding parking.
Parking Decal Receipt
Keep Your Receipt From Your Decal Purchase In Your Wallet (First 8 Weeks of Classes)
- During the first 8 weeks of classes, current decal holders who are driving a vehicle other than which their decal is registered must show the receipt from their decal purchase in order to obtain a temporary pass for their alternate vehicle.
Part-Time / Fall Semester Decals
Only students who are slated to graduate in December are eligible to purchase "part-time/fall semester" decal for $70.00.
- A signed letter from academic advisor is required.
Decal Enforcement Grace Period
In the fall semester, Decal enforcement begins on the Tuesday after the Labor Day holiday, unless otherwise stated via Campus Announcement email.
Decals are Not Tranferable
Student parking decals are not transferable. When driving an alternate vehicle, please obtain a temporary pass from the Office of Parking Services.
Use of Unauthorized Parking Spaces
Unauthorized vehicles parked in "Reserved" or "Handicap" spaces will be wheel-locked and towed immediately at owner's expense.
- Vehicles left wheel-locked in excess of 2 business days will be towed at the expense of the owner.