Access to Norfolk State University parking facilities is controlled with the use of valid parking decals and/or visitor passes issued and monitored by the Office of Parking Services. Operation hours are Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Decals may be purchased by University faculty, staff, and/or students. Valid parking passes may be obtained for campus visitors, vendors, and/or by valid decal holders (on a temporary basis). A valid driver's license is required for the issuance of visitor's passes.
Parking on the NSU Campus
Any vehicle parked on campus without a valid parking decal or pass displayed is subject to ticketing, booting and/or towing.
With the exception of "Reserved" parking areas, the University offers no guarantee of a parking space in a "convenient area", particularly during peak parking volume hours. However, there is adequate space available on campus. Norfolk State University is not responsible for your vehicle and/or its contents. Personal belongings should not be left in the vehicle. All customers must produce a valid driver's license to obtain parking passes.
Any faculty, staff, or student desiring to park on campus must complete a University Application for Vehicle Registration form. The applicant and the vehicle to be registered must meet all legal requirements for operation within the state of Virginia. Applicants must be a faculty member, staff or student of Norfolk State University. They, their spouse, parent and/or guardian must be the owner of the vehicle being registered for a decal. Any person who gives false information on the registration form may be subject to disciplinary action and/or revocation of parking privileges.
Purchasing Parking Decals
Parking decals may be purchased at the Spartan Ticket Box Office which is located across from Echols Hall (see bldg. #12 on Campus Map) during the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A valid University vehicle registration application, valid Spartan Card, driver's license, and validated invoice (students) are needed to purchase a decal.
Decals may be purchased with personal checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, or Spartan Debit Cards. All outstanding parking fines must be paid in order to purchase a decal.
**There is a limit of (2) consecutive two-week temporary passes for decal holders driving an alternate vehicle. If a temporary pass is needed outside of these 4 weeks, a replacement decal must be purchased for the alternate vehicle.
A visitor is defined as a person who is neither a student, faculty or staff member at Norfolk State University.
Visitor parking is provided for guests of University faculty, staff, and students as well as official departmental guests. A special parking pass issued by the department of the Office of Parking Services must be obtained for access to all campus visitor parking areas. Visitors conducting business in the Harrison B. Wilson Administration Building are not required to obtain a visitor pass for parking. However, all visitors must park in the "Visitor Parking" spaces which are located adjacent to Wilson Hall and are to be used by off-campus visitors conducting business in Wilson Hall for a period up to 30 minutes. Visitor parking is also available in any "Open Parking" or "Commuter Student" parking area(s) throughout the campus after obtaining a Visitor's pass.
Departments should ensure to obtain a parking pass in advance for their guests by a written email request to the Office of Parking Services at least 24 hours in advance.
Bona fide vendors must obtain a "Vendor Pass" issued by the Office of Parking Services for access to campus parking. Vendors should park in "Vendor Parking" spaces, designated parking areas, or appropriate loading zones. Loading zones may not be used for daily parking and vendors are limited to 30 minutes unless special permission is given by the Office of Parking. Vendor parking is also available in any "Open Parking" or "Commuter Student" parking area(s) throughout the campus.
Norfolk State University has a reciprocal agreement for student parking with Old Dominion University (ODU) and Tidewater Community College (TCC). Students from these institutions who have valid decals are permitted to park on the campus of Norfolk State University in student decal-designated areas. The same provision applies to Norfolk State University faculty and staff on the campuses of Old Dominion University and Tidewater Community College.
Student Parking Decals: Available to full-time and part-time students.
- "Commuter" Student decals: authorize parking in any available lot marked "Open" or "Commuter" parking. Commuter decals parked in any lot other than "Open Parking" or "Commuter parking" will be subject to "wrong-lot" violations. Commuter student decals are available ONLY to NSU students who live off campus.
- "Resident" Student decals: authorize parking in lot 7 (large lot behind Lee Smith Hall), lot 23 (lot adjacent to lot 24), lot 24 (lot directly across from Rosa Alexander Hall), and lot 27 (on-street parking from gate #2 to the front of the library). These parking lots will be marked as "Resident Parking Only." Resident decals parked in any lots other than 7, 23, 24, & 27 will be subject to "wrong lot" violations.
- "Spartan Suites" Student decals: authorize parking in lots 13, 14 and 16 only. Spartan Suites decals parked in any area other than lots 13, 14, & 16 will be subject to "wrong lot" violations.
Faculty/Staff members enrolled in courses at the University must purchase a Faculty/Staff decal.
**Freshman resident students are not permitted to park on campus unless special permission is granted by the Dean of Students Office**.
Reserved Parking: Reserved Parking decals are authorized the exclusive use of an assigned parking space in one of five lots (1, 11, 12, 15, 18) or other designated individual reserved spaces. Vehicles with reserved decals may NOT park in Faculty/Staff parking lots unless a valid pass is displayed. Reserved parking in lot 1 and lot 2 are restricted to employees located in the Harrison B. Wilson Administration Building ONLY.
Faculty/Staff Parking: Faculty/Staff parking decals are available to official employees of the University, and temporary employees only. This decal authorizes parking in designated "Faculty/Staff", or "Open" lots. These decals are available for purchase to any full-time, part-time, and/or temporary University employee. Faculty/Staff members who are enrolled in courses at the University must purchase a Faculty/Staff decal. Note: Temporary employees with assignments longer than (30) days are required to purchase "part-time" faculty/staff decals to utilize University parking areas.
Note: All new employees will receive a (2) week temporary pass until they receive their first payroll check. (decal purchase will be required after new employees receive their first check)
Retired Faculty/Staff: Retired Faculty/Staff decals are available free of charge to any retired University employee. This decal authorizes parking in designated "Faculty/Staff" or "Open" parking lots.
University parking facilities may be assigned temporarily to campus-sponsored or non-University organizations for special events. Sponsors of seminars, workshops, or other similar events requiring parking spaces for visitors must make prior arrangements through the Office of Parking Services. Arrangements should be made at least 48 to 72 hours in advance, and in writing. At the discretion of the University, reserved spaces may be used during special event parking. Individuals with "Reserved" parking decals may not be able to secure their space during activities such as University sporting events. Furthermore, a limited number of major events each year may require traffic circulation control which may preclude access to certain campus parking lots.
All individuals utilizing disabled parking privileges on campus must possess a valid parking decal or pass issued by the Office of Parking Services. Handicap Parking is available to individuals with a valid handicap license plate and/or pass issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The license plate or pass must also be displayed at the time the vehicle is parked in any designated handicap area and/or space. Only persons authorized to display current state issued disabled license tags, placards and/or hanging permits, identifying the driver or passenger as disabled will be authorized to park in designated disabled parking spaces. Handicap spaces are available in all parking lot designations campus wide. Parking in handicap spaces is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Abuse of disable parking privileges by non-disabled drivers/passengers is illegal. Violators found parked on campus with the illegal display of state issued disabled identification will be subject to ticketing, wheel-lock, tow, forfeiture of parking privileges, or further such appropriate action.
Faculty and staff may sign up for payroll deduction which is available from June 15 through September 17 for the 6-month payroll deduction plan. A year long payroll deduction plan is also offered from November 15 through December 15.
SEP 1 |
JAN 1 |
JUN 1 |
Reserved |
$500 |
$265 |
N/A |
(see tiers) |
varies |
varies |
varies |
Commuter |
$135 |
$70 |
$55 |
Resident |
$135 |
$70 |
$55 |
Part-time Faculty/Staff
**valid one semester** |
$75 |
$45 |
$40 |
Part-time Student **valid one semester** |
$75 |
$45 |
N/A |
Retired Faculty/Staff |
free |
free |
free |
Replacement |
$50 |
$50 |
$50 |
Tier |
Salary |
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
1 |
Less than $25,000/yr |
$175 |
$95 |
$70 |
2 |
$25,001 - $50,000/yr |
$215 |
$115 |
$75 |
3 |
$50,001 - $75,000/yr |
$240 |
$130 |
$85 |
4 |
$75,001 - $100,000/yr |
$265 |
$140 |
$90 |
5 |
Over $100,000/yr |
$320 |
$170 |
$115 |
**NSU reserves the right to adjust fees and charges without advance notice. Parking Decals are non-refundable**
You have 3 options for the display of your permit/pass. You must use one of these 3 options listed below based on the type of decal you purchase. Failure to do so may result in the issuance of a parking citation for improper permit display.
- Student Decals: please affix your decal to the left side of your rear-view mirror facing out. (**the rear-view mirror that is mounted on your front windshield on the inside of your vehicle**)
- Faculty/Staff Hang Tags: please hang the decal from your rear-view mirror so that the permit faces outward and is clearly visible and readable through the windshield of your car while parked on campus.
- Vendor, Loading Zone, and Visitor passes: please place pass on the left front (driver's side) dashboard of your vehicle. Be sure that your permit displays the current date and is parked in the area indicated. Also be aware that Contractor/Vendor, Extended, and Loading zone passes must be renewed every 6 months by memo, email, or fax to the Parking Office. A 24 to 48 hour notice is needed in order to process pass requests.
**Norfolk State University is a decal controlled campus, this means that all vehicles parked on University premises must have either a current NSU Decal (faculty, staff and students), or a valid visitor's pass issued from the Office of Parking Services. The University's parking rules and regulations are enforced 24/7, 365 days a year**
The registered owner of a motor vehicle is responsible for all violations incurred by the vehicle regardless of who is operating the vehicle. However, persons who register vehicles with the University will incur secondary responsibility, and may be subject to University administrative action for parking violations. Fines and/or penalties will be imposed on violators of NSU Parking and traffic regulations. Violators may be subject to ticketing, booting, and/or towing. At the discretion of the Office of Parking Services, Dean of Students Office, or the Office of Finance and Business, violators may also be subject to complete forfeiture of campus parking privileges with no refund for decal purchase. Vehicle towing is also at the discretion of the Office of Parking Services and/or Campus Police & Security. The responsibility for towing, damages to vehicle, and storage charges are the vehicle operator(s) and/or the vehicle owner(s).
Disabled/Booted/Abandoned Motor Vehicles: In the event a motor vehicle becomes disabled, notify Campus Police and Parking Services immediately. A disabled vehicle pass will be issued valid for not more than ten days. Vehicles left unattended, or with expired registration, for a period of or in excess of, ten days may be declared abandoned and are subject to removal at the owner's expense. The University assumes no responsibility for the protection of, or any damage to, such vehicle. If your vehicle is booted or towed, you may contact the Office of Parking Services at (757) 823-2211 from 7:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m (Monday - Friday). All Fines associated with booted vehicles must be paid in full at the Ticket Box Office prior to 5:30p.m Monday-Friday for same-day removal. After 5:30p.m, payment can be made the following business day. Booted vehicles are subject to towing after (5) business days.
Violation |
Fine |
Parking or operating an unregistered or unauthorized vehicle(s) on University property (subject to towing)(*$35 if paid within 5 business days) |
$50 |
Improper display of decal |
$25 |
Parking in Reserved lot or space (subject to wheel-lock or tow) |
$75 |
Blocking another vehicle |
$50 |
Parking anytime on grassy area, or specific areas |
$50 |
Parking in space reserved for handicapped (subject to wheel-lock or tow) |
$100 |
Parking in No-Parking Zone (yellow curb or line) |
$75 |
Parking overtime |
$25 |
Obstructing Traffic |
$75 |
Parking in a lot other than for which vehicle is registered |
$50 |
Parking within fifteen (15) feet of fire hydrant |
$100 |
Improper parking |
$25 |
Unlawful removal of a wheel-lock |
$100 |
Wheel-lock fee (additional fee of $5.00 will be charged each day after vehicle is wheel-locked) |
$25 |
Parking against right flow of traffic |
$25 |
Altered parking permit |
$125 |
Leaving unattended motor vehicle with engine running |
$50 |
**NSU reserves the right to adjust fees and charges without advance notice**
Fines must be paid within (10) business days of the date the citation was issued. Fines not paid within this time will be subject to additional fines and/or penalties. Students with outstanding fines may have their account(s) placed on hold. Past due fines after (10) days will be subject to a $10 penalty fee per outstanding citation. Fines outstanding after 30 days will be subject to a wheel lock or be placed with a collection and will be subject to an additional collections fee of not less than 33 1/3% added to the value of each outstanding citation.
Note: Vehicles with (2) or more fines within a 30-day period are also subject to a wheel lock at the owners expense.
The University provides a structured means to appeal citations. Appeals to parking violations must be physically submitted to the Parking Office in writing on an appeals form within ten (10) business days from the date the citation was issued. The appropriate appeals form and information must be obtained from and returned to the Office of Parking Services. Initial appeal decisions will be heard by the First Violation Appeals Officer. Appeals denied by the First violation Appeals Officer must be paid within ten business days or appealed to the University Parking Appeals Committee. The NSU Parking Appeals Committee is comprised of University, faculty, staff and students.
To pay parking fines, you must first obtain a completed Clearance Form from the Office of Parking Services and then proceed to the Spartan Ticket Center for payment of outstanding parking fines between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Payments accepted for parking fines paid in person at the Spartan Ticket Box Office may consist of cash, personal check, SpartanCard, or money orders (made payable to NSU), VISA or MasterCard. There is a $30 fee for returned checks. Individuals who render fine payments with insufficient funds will have check privileges suspended for one (1) year. To ensure proper credit, the vehicle license plate number, and citation number should be enclosed with all payments.