Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
- What is an NSU Learning Community?
A Learning Community is a group of first-year students who share a common living space, take classes together, and participate in activities throughout the year based on shared interests or major.
Learning Communities provide a fun way to make close friends and participate in programs and opportunities across campus and beyond.
Explore NSU Learning Communities
- Who can join a Learning Community?
Learning Communities are open to all first-year students. You must fill out an application by the deadline to be considered for a Learning Community.
- Is there an additional housing cost associated with living in a Learning Community?
There are no additional costs to participate in a Learning Community. You will pay the same rate for your room as listed on the Housing and Residence Life website.
- Can I choose my roommate?
Usually, Housing places Learning Community students in the same room, on the same floor, or in the same residential hall. However, if you want to choose your roommate, you will need to contact Housing to discuss that option.
- Do I have to live on campus to participate in a Learning Community?
You do not need to reside on campus to participate in a Learning Community. You will, however, need to be available for related activities, events, and campus opportunities.
- What are the expectations for students in a Learning Community?
Students in a Learning Community are required to take courses together in the Fall and Spring semesters, participate in events, activities, and field trips related to the Learning Community.
- Do I have to be a specific major to participate in a Learning Community?
A select number of Learning Communities do have academic major requirements because they are academic-based. Thematic Learning Communities are not based on an academic major, instead they are based on a common theme.
Visit individual Learning Community pages for more details.
- How do I sign up to be in a Learning Community?
You can express interest in being a part of the Learning Communities program by filling out this form: Learning Communities Application
If you have expressed interest in the Learning Communities program and have not received an application, please contact us
- If I apply, does that mean that I am automatically enrolled in the Learning Communities program?
Many students are interested in Learning Communities, and therefore the space is limited. Your status will be communicated via email before you arrive on campus.
- I have questions about the Learning Communities program. Who should I contact?
If your questions are directly related to your major or coursework, please contact the academic coordinator for your community. If you have general questions about the Learning Communities program, please email Ms. Rachel Vincitore at or call 757-823-2056