Center for Materials Research and Engineering Department
Jacob Strimaitis, a Ph.D. candidate at the Center for Materials Research and CREST CREAM scholar, whose advisor is Dr. Messaoud Bahoura, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation titled “The Development of Next-Generation Hybrid Supercapacitors via Anodic and Cathodic Material Selection and Modification”, on March 8th, 2023. Dr. Strimaitis secured an engineering position at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, Indiana, where he will be working on advanced designs and advanced materials for lithium-ion batteries.
Dr. Sangram Pradhan, research associate professor at the Center for Materials Research, in Dr. Bahoura’s group, received a certificate of recognition and appreciation as a 2022 ACS publications peer reviewer form the American Chemical Society.
Md A Rab, a Ph.D. student of the Material Science and Engineering Program at Norfolk State University presented at the American Physical Society in Las Vegas, NV on Thursday, March 9. The presentation was entitled “Coupling of optical, magnetic and electric effects in permalloy structures," coauthored by Md.A. Rab, David Keene and Natalia Noginova. Md A Rab received a travel award from the American Physical Society in Las Vegas, NV on Tuesday, March 7.
Ashleigh Wilson, Ph.D student of Material Science and Engineering Program at Norfolk State University received the ACS Bridge Career & Professional Development Award from American Chemical Society.
Biology Department
Rajeev Chandra, Assistant Professor for Biology, has been selected for 2023 D2D Network Cohort and invited by the Program Director of D2D (Design to Data) to attend the technical training professional development workshop scheduled at University of California, Davis in November, 2023. Dr Chandra has since accepted the invitation to the attend the workshop. He also plans to attend series of short seminars and workshops to be scheduled during summer. Details are included below:
Professional Development
D2D professional development aims to give faculty the best possible toolbox for successful course implementation and provides energizing connections and relationships that fuel the network! Planned Professional Development for 2023 This summer, we look forward to hosting a series of short seminars and workshops. Faculty joining our RCN-funded network should plan to attend the kick-starter seminar, CURE Pedagogy workshops, and a technical training (either remote or in-person).
Visit D2D professional development
Ashley N. Haines, Ph.D., Professor with Norfolk State University’s Department of Biology, and students in the Biology Department were partners on the Hampton City Schools Oyster Restoration Project, which the recipient of a Governor's Environmental Excellence Award for 2023. The Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards annually recognize successful and innovative efforts that improve Virginia’s environment in the areas of sustainability programs, greening of government, environmental projects, land conservation, or implementation of the Virginia Outdoors Plan. Since 2020, Dr. Haines has been coordinating NSU students engaging with HCS students at the annual oyster visits. The visits give an opportunity for kids to see up close the organisms that live in our rivers and learn about them from near-peers.
Department of Physics
Norfolk State University has been selected to participate in the RockOn 2023 workshop, held at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The NSU team members are Mr. Jerome Hill and Mr. Liam Harrigan, physics majors, and Dr. Doyle Temple professor of physics. The team will be responsible for development of part of the instrument package that will be launched into space on a non-orbital parabolic trajectory. The workshop is scheduled from Friday, June 16, 2023, to Wednesday, June 21, 2023, and will culminate with the RockOn sounding rocket launch on Thursday, June 22, 2023.