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Psychology Programs
Norfolk State Psychology offers numerous courses covering introductory and specialized topics, psychological science, and practical field experience, ultimately leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in General Psychology.
PSY 495/496: Practicum In Psychology is a required course for all undergraduate Psychology majors. Intended for students in their senior year, the course provides direct experience in an applied-supervised setting. Training sites often include mental health-related agencies, classroom settings, career counseling environments, working with disability or medical administrative department, or with faculty on research or educational/ therapeutic programming. Prerequisites include a C or better in PSY 210, 211, 270, 360, 392 and majoring in Psychology. Exceptions may be approved by the Undergraduate Psychology Practicum Coordinator, Dr. Karen Holmes on a case-by-case basis. PSY 495 is required for the Psychology major; PSY 496 is optional.
Students are required to obtain a practicum on their own, although resources are available. Requirements for course completion include 150 practicum hours completed at a site, and weekly course assignments (in an online course). Students are highly encouraged to secure their placements in conjunction with PSY 392.
General Information
- Practicum Site Listings Database (PDF update pending)
- Approval Form to Create a new Practicum Site
- (please reach out to the PSY392 or PSY495 instructor)
Criteria for an "I" (Incomplete) Grade
You will NOT be granted an "I" (Incomplete) if you cannot obtain a practicum site. The PC and the NSU Psychology Department will offer all guidance and resources possible, but it is ultimately the student's responsibility to follow-through. You may not be able to obtain a placement at your preferred site, but that does not mean that there are no sites available! If you are having trouble finding a site and believe you might request an Incomplete, then you should keep track of every one of your contacts in your search for a practicum. Some sites require the completion of a background check which can sometimes take 2-3 months. Plan your practicum search early to avoid delays. Interviewing before the semester begins is a good strategy