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Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence (LSRCE): Broadening Participation in STEM Education through Nanotechnology

The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program assists universities and colleges in diversifying the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce through their efforts at significantly increasing the numbers of students from historically underrepresented minority populations (African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders) to successfully complete high quality degree programs in STEM.

Louis Stokes Regional Centers of Excellence (LSRCEs) are designed to serve as regional testbeds for outreach, knowledge-generating and diffusion activities or other activities that contribute to successful practices in STEM education. LSRCE activities may also be concentrated in the development of disciplinary research institutes.

LSRCE Centers

  • Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence in Broadening Participation (LSMRCE): Chicago State University (lead institution), Indiana University, Purdue University Indianapolis, Ohio State University, Fermi National Laboratory.
  • Louis Stokes Florida-Caribbean Regional Center of Excellence in Broadening Participation (FL-C-LSRCE): Santa Fe College (lead institution), University of the Virgin Islands, Columbia University, Stanford Interventions Laboratory at Stanford University.
  • The Fisk-Vanderbilt Bridge Program Regional Center of Excellence in Broadening Participation (FVBP LSRCE), Fisk University.
  • Louis Stokes Regional NSF International Center of Excellence in Broadening Participation (LSAMP-NICE): Salish Kootenai College (lead institution), Louisiana State University, Jackson State University, University of Illinois-Chicago.
  • Louis Stokes Center for Promotion of Academic Careers through Motivational Opportunities to Develop Emerging Leaders in STEM (LS-PAC MODELS): Louisiana State University.
  • Southeastern Coalition for Engagement and Exchange in Nanotechnology Education Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence in Broadening Participation (SCENE-LSRCE): Norfolk State University (lead institution), Tidewater Community College, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Langley Research Center, Jefferson National Laboratory Applied Research Center, Eastern Virginia Medical School.