We See Your Future in Chemistry
Explore the fascinating world of chemistry with a B.S. Degree.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS.CHM)
The B.S. Chemistry degree prepares you for a career in industry and graduate school in chemistry or related disciplines. The Chemistry Department offers several chemistry based curricula choices leading to a B.S. degree in Chemistry: Chemistry, Chemistry with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine (not a degree in Pre-Medicine), and the dual degree B.S. in Chemistry-M.S. in Materials Science curriculum.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Pre- Med, DNIMAS program (BS.CHM.PM.DNIMAS)
All B.S. Chemistry programs provide you with a strong background in chemical knowledge, analytical and laboratory skills, oral and written communication development, and experiences working independently or in a team.
Pre-Med DNIMAS offers a rigorous and demanding B.S. Chemistry/Pre-Med program to students who qualify.
Plans of Study
Plans of Study
First Year |
Course |
Course Title |
Hours |
APS 110 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
APS 111 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
CHM 223A/221L* |
General Chemistry I & Lab |
5 |
CHM 224A/222L |
General Chemistry II & Lab |
5 |
CSC 170 |
Computer Programming |
3 |
CSC 170L |
Computer Programming Lab |
1 |
ENG 101H |
College English I |
3 |
ENG 102H |
College English II |
3 |
HED 100 |
Personal and Community Health |
2 |
MTH 184H |
Calculus I |
4 |
MTH 251H |
Calculus II |
4 |
PED 100 |
Fundamentals of Fitness for Life |
1 |
SEM 101 |
Spartan Seminar 101 |
1 |
SEM 102 |
Spartan Seminar 102 |
1 |
Total Hours Required |
33 |
Second Year |
Course |
Course Title |
Hours |
APS 210 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
APS 211 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
CHM 321 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHM 321L |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
2 |
CHM 322 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHM 322L |
Organic Chemistry II Lab |
2 |
CHM 331 |
Analytical Chemistry I |
3 |
CHM 331L |
Analytical Chemistry I Lab |
2 |
MTH 252 |
Calculus III |
4 |
PHY 160 |
University Physics I |
4 |
PHY 160L |
University Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHY 161 |
University Physics II |
4 |
PHY 161L |
University Physics II Lab |
1 |
ENG 285H |
Public Speaking |
3 |
SEM 201 |
Spartan Seminar 201 |
1 |
Total Hours Required |
33 |
Third Year |
Course |
Course Title |
Hours |
APS 310 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
APS 311 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
Bio 3XX |
Restricted Biology Elective
BIO (3XX or Higher) |
3 |
BIO 110H/BIO 110L |
General Biology & Lab |
4 |
CHM 332 |
Analytical Chemistry II |
3 |
CHM 332L |
Analytical Chemistry II Lab |
2 |
CHM 345 |
Math Methods and Logic |
3 |
CHM 451/452 |
Seminar and CHM 452 |
2 |
CHM 361 |
Physical Chemistry I |
3 |
CHM 362 |
Physical Chemistry II Lab |
3 |
CHM 363L |
Physical Chemistry Lab |
2 |
CHM 497/498 |
Research and CHM 498 |
2 |
CHM 473 |
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry |
3 |
Total Hours Required |
30 |
Fourth Year |
Course |
Course Title |
Hours |
APS 410 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
APS 411 |
Applied Sciences Seminar |
0 |
Restricted Biology Electives |
4 |
ENG 203/ENG 303 |
Advanced Communication Skills |
3 |
Social Science or HIS from the Core |
3 |
Humanities & Cultural Elective from the Core |
6 |
CHM 431/CHM 431L |
Biochemistry I & Lab |
5 |
CHM 432/CHM 432L |
Biochemistry II & Lab |
5 |
Total Hours Required |
26 |
*Select 6 hours from: CHM 397, 398, 473L, 431L, 432,432L, 475, 481, 497, 498
(Maximum of 1 elective hour of research) |
Summary of Graduation Requirements |
Subject Areas |
Hours |
General Education Core |
31 |
Major Requirements |
58 |
Electives |
7 |
Other Requirements |
26 |
Total Hours Required |
122 |