Cyberpsychology Academics
NSU offers a M.S. CyberPsychology degree program, Graduate Certificate in CyberPsychology and an undergraduate minor track in CyberPsychology. More information can be found here.
Recent Events
CYPSY24 Conference
June 24-26 2024 @ Norfolk State University in Norfolk, VA (USA)
It is our pleasure to invite you to join us at the 24th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CYPSY24), Monday June 24 through Wednesday June 26, 2019 at Norfolk State University (NSU) in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. NSU is an Historically Black University and one of the 15 four-year public universities in Virginia.
CASE Cyberpsychology Workshop 2017
June 7 - 8 2017 @ Norfolk State University in Norfolk, VA (USA)
The 2017 CASE (Cyber Analysis, Simulation and Experimentation) Workshop will provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from academia, government and industry to discuss current advances in cyber psychology research and education. The workshop will provide a forum centered upon the need to advance science of security to generate/adapt psychology/criminology theories/models to cybersecurity. There is a lack of theories and models of user behavior in cyber environments to allow security solutions to classify user intent and capability, predict how users will react to certain stimuli and induce mitigating adversarial behavior. Security solutions will benefit from models of human behavior interacting with security systems which will provide insights into estimating impact of attack, attack objectives, appropriate response taken by defender, and predict future behavior. The workshop will provide participants insight into state-of-the art research at the intersection of psychology, forensics, sociology, modeling and cyber security.