Nominate an ideal spartan

Complete the Ideal Spartan Nomination Form and return the form to the Dean of Students Office, or the Student Advocacy Office.
The Spartan
The Spartan is highly esteemed as a global citizen and warrior, admired by others for setting universal standards of excellence. Known for their impeccable armor, Spartans are prepared, methodical, jovial, loyal, and courageous. The Ideal Spartan represents NSU at all times and in all places. The five most important pieces of a Spartan's armor include the cloak, representing pride; the breastplate reflecting integrity; the sword representing engagement; the helmet symbolizing curiosity; and the shield signifying overall excellence.
As with any warrior, a Spartan needs a cloak for inclement weather (life's challenges). The Spartan warrior knows that before a battle begins, a fighter must have carefully cultivated the self-discipline that will prepare him or her for whatever is to come. Keeping in mind his or her ultimate goal, the warrior is fueled by love of country (the University). Through meaningful and wise choices, the Spartan takes ownership and responsibility for him/her extended family and nation, always representing NSU with valor and praising her people.
The Spartan's sword connects him or her with leaders and peers, all of whom are fully engaged in pursuing personal excellence as well as the greater common good. The sword symbolizes Spartan unity on and off the field of battle. A Spartan engages in constant training, ever-ready to take on local, regional, national, and global challenges. He or she serves as a model of unceasing civic engagement.
The Spartan's helmet protects and guards his or her ever-expanding intellect. Always seeking to understand new ways of life, listening to the wisdom of community leaders, actively asking questions, and always being open to change, the Spartan constantly sharpens his or her critical thinking skills. This curiosity makes every Spartan a lifelong learner, building habits of mind that move beyond the superficial and always taking into account the needs of the whole.
The breast plate is one of the most important pieces of armor as it not only protects the Spartan physically but spiritually. The breastplate represents honesty and the deep sense of trust in other Spartans that protects every mature warrior's heart. The Spartan's unassailable integrity allows him or her to be given leadership tasks to carry out in full, even when no one is checking, and even when difficult choices must be made alone.
The Spartan's shield safeguards him or her while navigating through the world. The shield allows a Spartan to move ever forward, even in the face of great adversities and disappointments. A Spartan's education - indeed a Spartan's whole life - is an unending quest for excellence. When a Spartan is knocked off his or her feet, he or she rises again, not only to press forward but to service as a signal and motivate others in the fray.
Norfolk State University students embrace civility as a passport to full citizenship in the world. Spartans live with integrity and maintain the highest moral, ethical and intellectual standards. Continuously fostering a community of inclusiveness, students lead with humility, cultivate personal growth and respect the ideas of others. Always open to both unity and diversity, NSU students understand that respect always begins with self and then moves ever outward, creating synergy among fellow Spartans, fellow Americans and all other peoples.