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About Student Organizations

Student organizations and groups may be established at the University for any legal purpose, provided these groups do not discriminate with regard to race, creed, color, religion or national origin.  Affiliation with an extramural organization shall not, in itself, disqualify the institutional branch or chapter from institutional privileges.

Becoming an Official Organization

A group shall become an official campus organization when formally recognized by the Office of Student Activities, the New Student Organization Approval Committee and the Vice President for Student Affairs.  


Student Organization Information

Only currently enrolled NSU students may become a member of student organizations. Membership in student organizations shall be open to any student who is willing to subscribe to the stated aims and meet the stated objectives of the organization and the university.

All student organizations are required to have primary campus advisor (faculty or staff) who works closely with the organization and serves as its immediate liaison with the Office of Student Activities & Leadership. Organizations are also strongly encouraged to have co-advisors who will work with the advisor and assume responsibilities in the advisor’s absence. Organizations must submit names of the advisor(s) to the Office of Student Activities & Leadership, which will obtain clearance/approval from the Director of Student Activities.

An advisor (co-advisor) is herein defined as “any member of the faculty or staff” whose duty shall be to counsel and advise the organization and its officers in carrying out the purpose of the organization.”

The advisor(s) are required to: be available to meet with the members of the organization at all meetings; be present at all activities; and advise the organization on procedural matters, university, local and state policies, rules and regulations, and see that members adhere to the same. Advisors must approve all activities of the organization(s) which they advise.

Each organization's Advisor is responsible for the supervision of their student organization(s) and activities.

How to Start a Student Organization
Student organizations and groups may be established at the University for any legal purpose, provided these groups do not discriminate with regard to race, creed, color, religion or national origin. Affiliation with an extramural organization shall not, in itself, disqualify the institutional branch or chapter from institutional privileges.

  1. Select an NSU Faculty or Staff Advisor that is interested in your potential Student Organization.
  2. Complete the New Student Organization Application. 
  3. Provide a copy of the student organization's constitution and by-laws.
  4. Provide a copy of the student organizations roster
  5. Provide a copy of the University's Hazing Agreement
  6. Follow all requirements listed in the New Student Organization Application.
  7. Advisors must submit your completed application 
  8. If you have any questions please email

Once your application is submitted, the president and advisor will present information regarding your organization to be reviewed by the New Student Organization Approval Committee. You will then receive a letter regarding the status of your application.

Applications dates have not yet been determinded. 

Maintaining Status
In order for a student organization to maintain its status as an officially recognized organization, the following conditions must be met:

  • Student organizations must maintain a minimum of ten (10) members to be recognized and considered active. The Office of Student Activities & Leadership, upon receipt of a written request, may make exceptions for the organization and its advisor.
  • A current copy of Organizational Constitution and By-Laws must be on file in the Office of Student Activities & Leadership. An amended or revised constitution must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities & Leadership for approval.
  • A listing of new officers must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities & Leadership within three (3) weeks of elections.
  • The Organization must complete the annual registration renewal process each fall semester. The organization must be registered to conduct activities. The Office of Student Activities & Leadership will not recognize student organizations that have failed to meet the conditions for maintaining status.


  • The student organization will be deactivated if the conditions listed above are not satisfied.
  • The organization may request to be returned to active status once it has met the necessary qualifications.
  • If a recognized fraternity, sorority, or student organization is in a state of deactivation for any reason for a period of at least two (2) consecutive years, the Office of Student Activities & Leadership will withdraw recognition from the organization.
  • Failure to maintain the required number of members in the organization (10).
  • Failure to maintain a faculty advisor. (The Office of Student Activities & Leadership may serve as a temporary advisor for one semester only.)
  • Failure to provide lists of officers or constitution changes to the Office of Student Activities & Leadership when requested.
  • Failure to provide representation at required University meetings.
  • Failure to provide or engage in campus service activities when assigned by the Office of Student Activities & Leadership.
  • Failure to comply with University policies or any authorized directive by a University official.