Center for Materials Research and Engineering Department
Messaoud Bahoura, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Director of the Center for Materials Research, submitted a research paper "Study of dielectric properties in stacked high-k dielectric MOSCAP devices" to the Springer Journal of Materials Science, Materials in Electronics.
Kelsea A. Yarbrough, a Ph.D. candidate at the Center for Materials Research and a CREST CREAM scholar, advisor Dr. Messaoud Bahoura, successfully defended her Doctoral Dissertation on September 9th, 2023. Her dissertation is titled “Single layer & superlattice approach of transparent conducting oxide-based channel materials for thin film transistor applications”. Dr. Yarbrough published eight peer-reviewed journals among them three where she was the first author. She presented her research at over a dozen national and international conferences, where she won multiple awards including 1st place at the AAAS ERN Conference for Graduate Oral Presentations in Nanoscience, in 2019, 1st place in the Virginia Microelectronic Consortium Poster and Oral Presentation, in 2016, and 1st place in Washington, Baltimore, Hampton Roads Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2016. She is the 2019 National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science Fellow. Dr. Yarbrough was awarded the 2021 Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Policy Fellow to work with the Office of Senator Jennifer McClellan (VA). She received a stipend from the sponsoring University and the Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (VASEM). The COVES Policy Fellowship program aims to strengthen ties between the scientific community and state government in the Commonwealth of Virginia while encouraging and equipping more scientists and engineers to be effective advisors for public policy in the state of Virginia. Dr. Yarbrough accepted a leadership position with Northrup Grumman and already started her training this month.
Sondai Riddick, a chemistry undergraduate student and CREST CREAM scholar, advisor Dr. Messaoud Bahoura, presented her research titled "Fabrication and Optimization of Iron Pyrite (FeS2) Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries," as a poster at the ACS FALL 2023, Harnessing the Power of Data, San Francisco, CA & Hybrid, August 13 - 17, 2023. Ms. Riddick was supported to attend and present her work at the NOBCChE's 50th Annual Meeting, September 11-14, 2023, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Chevel Samuels, a chemistry undergraduate student and CREST CREAM scholar, advisor Dr. Messaoud Bahoura, submitted her research titled "Optimization of the Fabrication of Pyrite Cathode Through the Sulfurization of Steel Spacers", to the 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Washington, D.C. on March 14-16th, 2024.
Ayodeji Aderin, an engineering undergraduate student and CREST CREAM scholar, advisor Dr. Messaoud Bahoura, submitted his research titled "Gallium Doped Zinc Oxide (GZO) Films for Defroster Applications " to the 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Washington, D.C. on March 14-16th, 2024.
Department of Chemistry
Five Chemistry professors, Dr. Suely Black, Dr. Carl Bonner, Dr. Tanya David, Dr. Aliecia McClain and Dr. George Miller, and nine NSU undergraduate and graduate students traveled to New Orleans to present their research results, judge poster presentations and represent Norfolk State University during the 50th anniversary celebration of NOBCChE. In the picture, they are joined by NSU NoVEL Consortium collaborators from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and by NoVEL participating students from Virginia State University. The picture was taken at the Crown Plaza hotel in the French Quarter where poster presentations took place.
Norfolk State University representation at the 50th anniversary of NOBCChE, the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, September 10-15, 2023.
Department of Nursing and Allied Health, Food Science and Nutrition Program Concentration
Jill Comess, DHSc, MS, RDN, Food Science and Nutrition Program Director and Instructor with Norfolk State University's undergraduate Food Science and Nutrition Program Concentration and Department of Nursing and Allied Health has an article published in the July 2023 Journal of Topics in Clinical Nutrition titled "Introduction to the Gut Microbiome and Its Impact on Health and Disease."