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Notice Regarding Changes to Tuition and Fees

Notice Regarding Changes to Tuition and Fees

In accordance with §23.1-307.D. of the Code of Virginia (see below), Norfolk State University is providing notice that changes to the University’s tuition and fees are now being considered. 

§23.1-307.D. No governing board of any public institution of higher education shall approve an increase in undergraduate tuition or mandatory fees without providing students and the public a projected range of the planned increase, an explanation of the need for the increase, and notice of the date and location of any vote on such increase at least 30 days prior to such vote.

The NSU Board of Visitors will consider proposed changes for the 2022 – 23 academic year to tuition, fees, room, and board for Norfolk State University at its May 6, 2022, Board of Visitors meeting. The Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly has not finalized the State Budget for the upcoming fiscal year resulting in Norfolk Sate submitting a range for consideration pending the outcome of the legislative budget process. The most recent forecast for the upcoming fiscal year included significant operating and capital increases for the University, which, if passed, would allow the University to introduce minimal increases; however, the University cannot make a final decision on tuition and fees until the General Assembly budget process is finalized. Norfolk State University is striving to remain affordable to the students and families served while recognizing the continuing need for additional operating resources and proposes the following increase scenarios for consideration:

  • The increase range for tuition and mandatory Education and General (E&G) fees for all students is set from 0% - 5%.  The additional resources will partially fund increased salaries for faculty and staff, now pending approval by the General Assembly; additional student services support; and increased operating cost. 
  • The range for the increase to mandatory non-E&G fees is set from 0% and 5%. Again, the additional resources will support salary increases for staff and address increased cost of operations.
  • The cost of housing will increase from 0% - 5% to address the cost of increased debt service, staff salary increases, and the maintenance to the housing stock.
  • In response to increases by the University’s food services provider and the maintenance to the dining services space, the board fee increase is proposed from 0% - 5%.

The incremental revenue generated from these increases will be invested in the overall educational experience of the University’s students. The additional resources will help ensure a stable workforce, and provide for the increased cost of operations and facility maintenance.

The University welcomes feedback from the public; therefore, as soon as possible before May 5, 2022, please send your questions and comments to this email address: cost