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2020 Social Work Month Calendar

 The Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work 2020 Social Work Month Activities 


 Opening Plenary –Keynote Speaker: Dr. Colita Fairfax
“Social Workers Generations Strong”

March 3, 2020 – 11 am to 12:30 pm. Location: Nursing and General Education Building Room 205 

Self-Care Workshop – Facilitator: Dr. Erickson
March 5, 2020 – 1:30 – 2: 30 pm- will be held in Student Center 138 C 

Renal Social WorkPractice – Facilitator: Dr. Dinnerson
March 5, 2020. Time: 5:30 pm -6:30 pm. Location: Brown Hall 105 

International Diversity Celebration Night – Facilitator: Dr. Abrefa-Gyan
March 6, 2020. Time 6:00 -8:00 pm. Location: Nursing and General Education Building Room 205 

Dean’s Toast – Facilitator: Dr. Lane
March 17, 2020. Time 12-1:30 pm. Location: Student Center Room 138A 

Alzheimer’s Conference – Contact Person: Mr. Worley
March 19, 2020. Time 8 am- 5pm. Location: Norfolk State University – Virginia Beach Campus 

Black Men Strong in Social Work Practice & Education – Facilitator: Dr. Dinnerson
March 26, 2020. Time 5:30 – 7 pm. Nursing and General Education Building Room 205 

March 26-28 NASW Virginia Student Conference Lobby Day, Williamsburg, VA

ClosingPlenary “Chat and Chew” Keynote: Dr. Angela Henderson
“Policy Practice: Social Work Reinvestment Act”
March 31, 2020. Time 1:00 – 3:00pm. Location: Nursing and General Education Building Room 205
**Please wear School of Social Work & Norfolk State University Paraphernalia to the closing even

BSW &MSW Community Service Projects - Contact: Dr. Nevels and Dr. Lane

Contact person for Social Work Month Activities: Dr. Neely-Goodwin - 
