Outdoor “blue light” emergency call boxes are strategically located throughout the campus and connect directly to the University Police Department. This security measure is provided to ensure safety.
All calls, complaints, and serious incidents will be investigated by the University Police Department. Violations of the law can result in charges by the Norfolk State University Police Department, local police, NSU Student Affairs or the Faculty Senate.
See "Blue Light Locations" below.
Using the Blue Lights
Simply push the button and you will be automatically connected to the campus police dispatcher. The dispatcher will then identify the activated call box and ask for the nature of the emergency.
Persons should try to remain calm and speak loudly and clearly while giving the location and nature of the emergency.
Blue Lights - Residence Halls
To increase residential hall safety, wall mounted call boxes are being installed at the front entrance of the residential halls.
NSU Call Box Listing
Box 01 - McDemmond Parking Lot # 32
Box 02 - McDemmond / Marshall Ave
Box 03 - McDemmond / Park Ave
Box 07 - Brambleton entrance
Box 08 - Babbette Smith South Entrance
Box 09 - Babbette Smith North Entrance
Box 10 - South Entrance Robinson Tech
Box 11 - West Entrance Robinson Tech
Box 12 - Robinson Tech Entrance Facing Corprew Ave
Box 13 - Robinson Tech Parking Lot
Box 14 - Bowser Facing Corprew Ave
Box 15 - Bowser Facing Brown Hall
Box 17 - West Entrance Scott Dozier Dining Hall
Box 18 - East Entrance Scott Dozier Dining Hall
Box 19 - Parking Lot – Police Department / New Residential Complex
Box 20 - North Entrance Spartan Suites
Box 21 - Spartan Suites North Parking Lot
Box 22 - Northwest Entrance Echols Hall
Box 23 - Echols Near Football Stadium
Box 24 - Spartan Suites Southwest Entrance
Box 25 - Bozeman North Entrance
Box 26 - Bozeman / Woods Science Walkway
Box 27 - Madison East Entrance
Box 28 - South Entrance Bozeman at Walkway
Box 29 - South Entrance Student Center
Box 30 - Student Services facing Brown / Scott Dozier
Box 31 - Student Services near Service Road
Box 32 - Quad Facing Nursing & Educational Building
Box 33 - Brooks Library near Memorial Circle
Box 34 - Brooks Library East Entrance
Box 35 - Greek Walk / Library
Box 36 - Rosa Alexander Entrance
Box 37 - West Dining Hall / Rosa
Box 38 - Samuel Scott Entrance
Box 39 - Southwest Wilder Walkway
Box 40 - Wilson Hall Entrance
Box 41 - Parking Lots # 2
Box 42 - Presidential Pkwy Across from Fine Arts
Box 43 - Tennis Court / Facilities Entrance
Box 44 - Presidential Pkwy near Lot # 4
Box 45 - Baseball / Sports Annex
Box 46 - Gills / Presidential Pkwy
Box 47 - Gills / Football Stadium
Box 48 - West Entrance Football Stadium
Box 49 - Southwest Concession - Football Stadium
Box 50 - Southeast Concession - Football Stadium
Box 51 - East Entrance Football Stadium
Box 52 - Football Stadium Underpass
Box 53 - Spartan Park (Picnic Area)
Box 54 - Charles Smith Entrance
Box 55 - Spartan Station / Charles Smith
Box 56 - Midrise Entrance
Box 57 - Midrise Rear Tower
Box 58 - Lee Smith Entrance
Box 59 - Lee Smith Facing Parking Lot
Box 60 - Lee Smith Parking Lot # 7 near Light Rail