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Current Students

Current NSU Psychology students have access to the Psychology Department and its resources to help you with all of your needs.

  • General inquiries should be directed to our office manager, Ms. Elizabeth McDougal (757-823-8573).
  • Program-specific questions should be directed to the Department Chair or Program Coordinators via the Contact Us webpage.                     

Academic Programs
We offer an Undergraduate degree in Psychology (with minors available in Psychology and CyberPsychology); a Masters degree in CyberPsychology; a Graduate Certificate in CyberPsychology; and a Doctor of Clinical Psychology.

Academic Advising
Freshman and Sophomores in the BA Undergraduate program are advised through the Student Success Center. Psychology majors at the Junior or Senior levels are advised through the Psychology Department faculty. Contact the office manager if you do not know who your advisor is. 

Curriculum and Handbook:

Faculty in the Psychology Department are engaged in a wide-range of research studies. 

The Psychology Department is proud to offer the Padreus Pratter Book Award and the Colson Scholarship. Recently, we received a generous donation which allows us to offer the Dr. James Savage merit-based scholarship.

  • Please call (757-823-8573) or email the Psychology Department for more information.