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Sign-Up Form

To be officially recognized as a university social media channel, you are required to designate two NSU Faculty or Staff members to be responsible for your social media channels. These persons will ensure compliance with federal, state and university policy and guidelines. In addition, they will be responsible for correcting or deleting information or materials which do not comply. For more information, contact the Social Media Manager at:

Please fill out the form below in its entirety. A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.

I have read and understand the terms and conditions applicable to the social media account(s) for which I am applying and I accept Norfolk State University's Social Media Policy. By checking this box I agree to the policy agreement as stated.

Administrator #1  

Administrator #2  

Social Media Accounts  

Click the submit button once.

By clicking the "Submit" button above, you acknowledge that you have read "Administrative Policy #50-08 (2020) - Social Media" at and are familiar with its content and fully realize that a working knowledge and understanding of this document is a necessity for successfully and affectively executing social media operations on behalf of the University.

In addition, by clicking the "Submit" button above, you understand and agree to abide by the directives contained in the Brand and Visual Identity Quick Guide published at by the Office of Communications and Marketing.