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Chemistry Teacher Licensure

We See Your Future in Chemistry
Explore the fascinating world of chemistry with a B.S. degree.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS.CHM)

The B.S. Chemistry degree prepares you for a career in industry and graduate school in chemistry or related disciplines. The Chemistry Department offers several chemistry based tracks leading to a B.S. degree in Chemistry: Chemistry, Chemistry with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine (not a degree in Pre-Medicine), and the dual degree B.S. in Chemistry-M.S. in Materials Science curriculum.

Chemistry Teacher Licensure Endorsement

Students wishing to pursue a career in teaching must take the following steps:

  • Follow the curriculum for the B.S. Chemistry program.
  • Use the elective hours to take professional courses.
  • See the academic advisor in their major department.
  • See the academic advisor in the Department of Secondary Education and School Leadership in the Bozeman Education Building, Room 200.
  • Take the PRAXIS test and make a passing score. (See the School of Education PRAXIS Coordinator, JBB 125).
  • Take the following professional education courses (18 semester hours) plus student teaching (12 semester hours)
  1. SED 201 American Schools and the Teaching Profession
  2. SED 233 Seminar in Assessment and Evaluation
  3. SED 380 Foundations of Methods in Secondary Schools
  4. SED 384 Teaching of Math and Sciences in Secondary Schools
  5. SED 486 Educational Psychology and Behavior Management
  6. SED 499 Directed Teaching and Seminar