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Chemistry Pre-Med

We See Your Future in Chemistry
Explore the fascinating world of chemistry with a B.S. degree.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS.CHM)

The B.S. Chemistry degree prepares you for a career in industry and graduate school in chemistry or related disciplines. The Chemistry Department offers several chemistry based tracks leading to a B.S. degree in Chemistry: Chemistry, Chemistry with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine (not a degree in Pre-Medicine), and the dual degree B.S. in Chemistry-M.S. in Materials Science curriculum.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Pre-Med (BS.CHM.PM)

B.S. Chemistry with an emphasis in Pre-Medicine prepares you for medical, dental, veterinary and other bio-related professional schools. Please be aware, this is not a degree in Pre-Medicine.

Plans of Study

First Year
UNI 101 Introduction to University Life 0 cr. hrs.
CHM 223/221L General Chemistry I & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 224/222L General Chemistry II & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
PHY 152/152L General Physics I & Lab 4 cr. hrs.
ENG 101/102 College English I & II 6 cr. hrs.
HED 100 Personal & Communication Health 2 cr. hrs.
PED 100 Fundamentals of Fitness for Life 1 cr. hrs.
MTH 153 College Algebra & Trigonometry 3 cr. hrs.
MTH 184 Calculus I 4 cr. hrs.
TOTAL 30 cr. hrs.


Second Year
CHM 321/321L Organic Chemistry I & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 322/322L Organic Chemistry II & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 331/331L Analytical Chemistry I & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CSC 170/170L Computer Programming I & Lab 4 cr. hrs.
MTH 251/252 Calculus II & III 8 cr. hrs.
PHY 153/153L General Physics II & Lab 4 cr. hrs.
Total 31 cr. hrs.


Third Year
CHM 351 or CHM 352 Seminar 1 cr. hrs.
BIO 110/110L General Biology & Lab 4 cr. hrs.
  Biology (Restricted Elective) 3 cr. hrs.
CHM 332/332L Analytical Chemistry II & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 345 Math Methods & Logic 3 cr. hrs.
CHM 361/362 Physical Chemistry I & II 6 cr. hrs.
CHM 363L Physical Chemistry Lab 2 cr. hrs.
HIS XXX History (Core) 3 cr. hrs.
ENG 285 Public Speaking 3 cr. hrs.
TOTAL 30 cr. hrs.


Fourth Year
  Biology (Restricted Electives) 4 cr. hrs.
  Cultural Elective from the Core 3 cr. hrs.
  Humanities Elective 6 cr. hrs.
SOC 101 Introduction to Social Science 3 cr. hrs.
CHM 431/431L Biochemistry I & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 432/432L Biochemistry II & Lab 5 cr. hrs.
CHM 451 or CHM 452 Seminar 1 cr. hrs.
CHM 473 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr. hrs.
CHM 497 or
CHM 498
Introduction to Research 1 cr. hrs.
TOTAL 31 cr. hrs.


Summary of Graduation Requirements

General Education Requirements 40 cr. hrs.
Major Requirements 75 cr. hrs.
Restricted Electives 7 cr. hrs.
General Electives 0 cr. hrs.
Total Needed for Graduation: 122 cr. hrs.