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CSET Good News Report

Department of Chemistry and Center for Materials Research

Carl E. Bonner, Jr,Carl E. Bonner, Jr, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science was named as one of C&EN's 2021 Trailblazers. This week on February 22, 2021, Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN,) the weekly magazine for the American Chemical Society named its 2021 Trailblazers, celebrating Black chemists and chemical engineers.  This issue celebrates the work and legacy of Black chemists and chemical engineers at all career stages, throughout the US, in their own voices. In the issue, guest edited by Professor Paula Hammond from MIT, Dr. Bonner was interviewed a NSU alumnus, Isaiah Speight. In the interview, the soon-to-be Dr. Speight spoke with Professor Bonner about his research and his early inspirations.

A link to the article is


Messaoud BahouraMessaoud Bahoura, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Director of the Center for Materials Research (I) received a collaboration award of $138,340 from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) under their STARTHBCU Collaboration Program. This award will support a collaboration between NSU and SNL for research on customized lithium batteries for mission applications. This award will also provide support for undergraduate and graduate students training ON lithium-ion battery materials both at NSU and SNL.

Messaoud Bahoura, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering and Director of the Center for Materials Research (I) was selected as the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Nanoscience Research.

Doyle TempleDoyle Temple, Ph.D., Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics and CMR received a collaboration award for $50,000 per year for three years from Sandia National Laboratories under their STARTHBCU Collaboration Program.  This award will support a collaboration between NSU and Sandia Lab for research on quantum materials. It will also provide support for student training in quantum materials science both at Sandia Lab and NSU.

Doyle Temple, Ph.D., Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics and CMR was appointed to a 3-year term on the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Committee on Diversity in Physics.  The committee is tasked with: 1) finding more effective means of recruitment and retention of minority members of society in physics related careers, 2) seeking methods of aiding minority physicists to overcome barriers to career development, and 3) communicating the findings of the committee through AAPT approved channels.

Department of Computer Science

Mary Ann Hoppa Mary Ann Hoppa, Ph.D., Associate Professor with Norfolk State University’s Department of Computer Science, was invited to submit a proposal for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions ( She was selected to work in partnership with the DHS Maritime Security Center to develop a research project in the area of wind farm cybersecurity.

Mary Ann Hoppa, Ph.D., Associate Professor with Norfolk State University’s Department of Computer Science, was invited to join the Program Committee for the 2021 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'21) (, a comprehensive international conference dealing with all aspects of information security in its 19th year.

Mary Ann Hoppa, Ph.D., Associate Professor with Norfolk State University’s Department of Computer Science, authored a chapter titled “Some Roles for Gaming in Cybersecurity Risk Management” in the book Advances in Cybersecurity Management, to be published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG in May 2021.

Rasha MorsiRasha Morsi, Ph.D. Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Creative Gaming and Simulation (CGS) Lab has earned the Gamification Surveyor Certification from Sententia Gamification. The Sententia Gamification Certification is the premier standard for recognition as a gamification specialist for Talent Development. Holding a Certified Gamification Professional credential demonstrates achievement, competence, credibility, and mastery to employers, clients, colleagues, and professional peers. Holders of this certification are versed in the 5-step Game the System model for gamification learning design. The Sententia Gamification Certification serves as a visible acknowledgment of demonstrated mastery of core gamification principles and skills essential to the best practice of talent development.

Department of Mathematics

Anne M. Fernando, Ph.D, Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics and Ana Vivas Barber, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics, published a paper “The Seasonal Reproduction Number of p. vivax Malaria Dynamics in Korea”. Paper ID 13422543 in Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 9 No. 2 (Horizon Research Publication,

Department of Engineering

Makarand Deo, Ph. D., Associate Professor in Engineering, has been elevated to Senior Member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Society, the largest engineering professional society in the world. Senior Member designation within IEEE is reserved for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession, and it is a significant recognition bestowed by peers of the profession. Dr. Deo's recognition reflects his outstanding record of scholarship in the areas of computational modeling of coupled electrical systems in the heart, and in the design and development of optics-based biosensors. As well, Deo has a strong record of tireless service within the organization. With this designation, Deo is eligible to serve in executive level appointments within the society, and to impact the selection of future honorees. Congratulations to Dr. Deo and his entire research group on this tremendous honor.

Physics and Center for Materials Research (CMR)

Natalia NoginovaMikhail A. NoginovMikhail A. Noginov (PI) and Natalia Noginova (Co-PI) have received the START HBCU LDRD Supplement from Sandia National Laboratory (20 months, $129 K). The grant is entitled “Neuromorphic Information Processing by Optical Media”. The NSU team will perform basic research in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and information processing by optical materials. This will be accomplished through experimental studies of polymeric materials and control of their optical response properties.